While I'm whipping out Pat Buchanan columns, here's one about Obama, that cuts to the core of my problem with the guy.


    Though he sees himself as a progressive who has risen above prejudice, Barack was reflecting and pandering to the prejudice of the class to which he himself belongs, and which he was then addressing.

    A few months back, Michelle Obama revealed her mindset about America with the remark that, "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country." Barack has now revealed how he, too, sees the country. The Great Unifier divides the nation into us and them.

    The "us" are the privileged cosmopolitan elite of San Francisco and his Ivy League upbringing.
    The "them" are the folks in the small towns and rural areas of that other America. Toward these folks, Obama's attitude is not one of hostility, but of paternalism. Because time has passed them by, Barack believes, they cannot, in their frustration and bitterness, be held fully accountable for their atavistic beliefs and behavior.

    ...In Barack's mind, black anger and resentment at "racial injustice and inequality" are "legitimate."

    But the anger and resentment of white folks, about affirmative action, crime and forced busing are born of misperceptions -- and of "bogus claims of racism" manipulated and exploited by conservative columnists and commentators to keep the racial pot boiling and retain power, so the right can continue to do the bidding of the corporations that are the real enemy.

That while Obama hides his true ideology well, his core beliefs are inherently divisive, and that Obama has a condescending contempt for the white Americans he would presume to lead.