Rev. Wright says that Obama only condemned his remarks because he had to act like a politician

Barack Obama's former pastor condemned the furor set off by his fiery sermons, which became a political crisis for the Democratic White House hopeful, as "devious" and "unfair," in an interview released Thursday.

Pastor Jeremiah Wright said in the interview that excerpts of his sermons now posted on YouTube were ripped out of context by critics who had no idea of the good works done by the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where Obama worships and where Wright was a pastor until recently.

"I felt it was unfair. I felt it was unjust. I felt it was untrue, I felt for those who were doing that, were doing it for some very devious reasons," Wright told PBS television in an interview to be broadcast on Friday.

Video clips of Wright's sermons at the mostly African-American church played repeatedly on news shows prompted Obama to deliver a landmark speech on racial reconciliation last month.

Wright was shown in the clips assailing US and Israeli "terrorism," calling on blacks to sing "God damn America," and alleging that AIDS was spread by the US government.

But he said in the interview with the Bill Moyers show that the use of soundbites from sermons he gave six years ago and more, made him the target of hatred and were "something very new and something very, very unsettling."

Conservatives have focused on Obama's refusal to disown Wright, despite his rejection of the remarks, suggesting the racially sensitive issue could feature in the general election campaign if he becomes Democratic nominee.

But Wright said he and Obama never discussed politics, and was not surprised when the Illinois senator criticized his comments during his Philadelphia race speech.

"He's a politician. I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences ... so what happened in Philadelphia where he had to respond to the sound bytes, he responded as a politician."

we already figured that out. well all of us but ray and whomod...