Losing Ground
After losing Pennsylvania and a difficult month of scandals, Barack Obama's double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton has dropped to seven points in the latest NEWSWEEK poll.

By Brian Braiker | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Apr 26, 2008 | Updated: 2:40 p.m. ET Apr 26, 2008

After an important primary win in Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton has reduced Democratic rival Barack Obama's double-digit lead among registered Democrats and voters leaning Democratic by more than half, according to the latest NEWSWEEK poll. Plagued by controversies over Rev. Jeremiah Wright's comments and the candidate's own "bitter" remarks, Obama has seen his favorability rating slip significantly in the last week, the poll found.

The survey found that Clinton now trails Obama by seven points, down from 19 just one week ago. The previous NEWSWEEK poll, conducted on the eve of the Pennsylvania primary, found that more than half (55 percent) of registered voters believed Obama was more electable, while 33 percent gave the edge to Clinton. The current poll finds Obama leading 46 percent to 38 percent. (For complete poll data, click here.)

There is also the matter of Obama going negative. When a candidate sets himself as being above that sort of thing & then resorts to it, there just may be some eventual blowback. And what is going to be his line in a general election? Can he go back to the persona that he had back in Iowa & the early primaries?

Fair play!