Obama's Negatives Rise, Clinton Tops McCain in New Poll

April 30, 2008 6:40 PM
ABC News' Ed O'Keefe Reports: Barack Obama's recent woes may be having an effect in the polls.
A new CBS/New York Times poll released on Wednesday shows Sen. Obama, D-Ill., and presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., tied in a hypothetical general election match-up, while Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., edges out McCain by a five-point margin.
Here are raw CBS/New York Times numbers now (among registered voters):
If the candidates were Obama and McCain, who would you vote for?
Obama: 45%
McCain: 45%
Undecided/Don't Know: 6%
If the candidates were Clinton and McCain, who would you vote for?
Clinton: 48%
McCain: 43%
Undecided/Don't Know: 5%
"Barack Obama's problems over the last few weeks, including his Pennsylvania primary loss and the continuing media coverage of his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, may have contributed to his weaker position compared to two weeks ago," read an analysis released by CBS and the New York Times.
Since their last poll four weeks ago, unfavorable views of Obama have risen 10% -- from 24% a month ago to 34% at present.  Obama's woes also appear to know few demographic bounds -- unfavorable views of Obama have risen among women, whites, independents and Democrats, according to CBS News and the New York Times.
Here are the raw CBS/New York Times numbers as of their last poll on April 3, 2008 (among registered voters):
If the candidates were Obama and McCain, who would you vote for?
Obama: 47%
McCain: 42%
Undecided/Don't Know: 7%
If the candidates were Clinton and McCain, who would you vote for?
Clinton: 48%
McCain: 43%
Undecided/Don't Know: 5%
An Associated Press-Ipsos poll released Monday found similar results.
In that poll, Clinton leads McCain by 9-points, 50-41, in a hypothetical general election match-up.  Obama, on the other hand, is "virtually tied" with McCain, at 46-44 percent. 


Fair play!