Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

No one ever seems to notice that, for a disease allegedly created by the U.S. government to wipe out black americans, upwards of 85% of those infected are white homosexual/bisexual men, I.V. drug users, and homosexual/I.V. drug users.
In 1993, when I wrote an article on the status of the epidemic in the U.S. at that time, and spoke at length for several hours with representatives of the Center For Disease Control (CDC), as well as several local doctors, the consensus was that heterosexuals (women) were pretty much only infected by sex partners who were secretly bisexual or I.V. drug users. The only exception being those infected through blood or organ transplants.

Pretty misdirected effort, for a disease created to, in Rev Jeremiah Wright's paranoid words, "wipe out people of color".

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

i like how your fantasies now include research reports and meetings with the CDC. thank you for still taking the time from all your ethnic dating and government meetings to post on this messageboard.

What exactly did I write that you spin as "fantasy"?

I did write an article on the AIDS epidemic, I did speak to several people at the CDC, to gather stats, nationally and for Florida, and even more local stats for Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

And I have dated quite a few women of other races and nationalities, as I've expanded on at length in multiple topics here.

One small correction: I spoke to the CDC in late 1992. The article was published in January 1993.
