Obama wins Oregon, moves to brink of nomination

By DAVID ESPO and SARA KUGLER, Associated Press Writers 36 minutes ago

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Barack Obama stepped to the brink of victory in the Democratic presidential race Tuesday night, defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Oregon primary and moving within 100 delegates of the total he needs to claim the prize at the party convention this summer.

"You have put us within reach of the Democratic nomination," he told cheering supporters in Iowa, the overwhelmingly white state that launched him, a black, first-term senator from Illinois, on his improbable path to victory last January.

Obama lavished praise on Clinton, his rival in a race unlike any other, and accused Republican John McCain of a campaign run by lobbyists.

"You are Democrats who are tired of being divided, Republicans who no longer recognize the party that runs Washington, independents who are hungry for change," he said, speaking to a crowd on the grounds of the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines as well as the millions around the country who will elect the nation's 44th president in November.

Clinton countered with a lopsided win in Kentucky, a victory with scant political value in a race moving inexorably in Obama's direction.

The former first lady vowed to remain in the race, telling supporters, "I'm more than determined than ever to see that every vote is cast and every ballot is counted."

The increasingly delusional Hillary must hate it. Here she's blowing more and more money she doesn't have to manufacture momentum which doesn't exist and the aP says it "has scant political value". (hello? MEM?) And only a few days earlier, Obama generated a record setting crowd with no effort.

Now McCain dumping 5 advisers is noteworthy. Seeing as how he did it almost on the eve of Obama getting the majority of delegates. Now if Hillary had a chance in hell anymore, McCain would have done no such thing as lobbyists and foreign agents on his payroll would not be an issue much seeing as how she's just as guilty.

McCain had some real doozies though. Agents for the Saudi's? If Obama had those on his staff, you'd hear the right howl about how Obama is an enemy Arab puppet.

On the face saving "straight talking" chopping block, Lead McCain fundraiser, Tom Loeffler, a registered foreign agent, who’s company made almost $15 million from Saudi Arabia and helped the European airplane maker get a Pentagon contract after McCain helped to kill a Boeing contract.

Also gone, convention chief, Doug Goodyear, a lobbyist, to help Myanmar regime’s while the Myanmar regime denounced "American falsehoods", as he can tell them.

Doug Davenport, a regional manager for McCain is also gone, he also took that regime’s money and McCain energy policy adviser, Eric Burgeson, gone after we learned his works as a lobbyist for, surprisingly enough, energy companies.

McCain’s top adviser, Charlie Black, called the uproar, “complete inside the beltway nonsense.” Black himself was a lobbyist up until this March. He did some of his lobbying by phone, for a literally on board the “straight talk express,” that’s why they call it straight talk. His client list included, in order of repulsive to disgusting, Ferdinand Marcos; Mobutu Sese Seko, Angolan terrorist, Jonas Savimbi, Somali warlord, Mohammed Sayed Bakri (ph), Nigerian dictator, Ibrahim Babangida, and Iraq war monger, starter and "Curveball enthusiast; Ahmad Chalabi and of course, the friends of Blackwater.

By the calculations of the government watchdog group, Public Citizen, McCain only has 54 remaining lobbyists left in his campaign.