I'm trying to get 655321 to go on a date with me. That's the most important status update there is.

I'm writing this letter in the hopes that you will understand how serious I am about the PM I sent you at Rob's boards. I really think that we have a good shot at a long term relationship, but I need your help in making this work. I realize you must be bit a put off by the fact I propositioned you so abruptly and I'm prepared to put some distance between you and I verbally, for the time being, until i can convince you that I'm not kidding around. I find your personality both fascinating and academically stimulating, which is why I couldn't control myself earlier on. I admit that I'm not usually so forward, but if anything that's proof to you that you inspire me so much. I can tell you have a beautiful and vibrant soul and if you'd let me, I'd love to explore it with you. And I'm sure you could find me interesting along the way; we both like a lot of the same things like politics and messageboards. I admit that we are on opposite sides of the spectrum as far as political party and cyber-etiquette goes, but what's a relation worth having if it doesn't have a few obstacles to overcome along the way. And when we do get past them, we can be able to say that we did so together. As a team.

On the other hand, if your problem is the fact that we've never met before, please keep in mind that I'm willing to be patient and give you the opportunity to give my character thorough inspection. Or if you feel that I would reject you because of looks, I want to reassure you from the bottom of my heart that I'm not interested in looks. You were able to peek my interest and pluck at my heart-strings with your personality alone, so you have nothing to worry about as far as charisma goes.

If you're simply afraid of commitment, I can understand that as well. After all, I'm not trying to entrap you, I just want to get to know you and be with you so I can better encompass your vibrancy. I'll be patient for as long as you wish and I'm willing to be in whatever format of romantic/platonic relationship you would demand so as to insure that your comfort level is sufficiently maintained. The last thing I want is to scare you away from me when I feel that we have such a great chance of finding happiness together. Hopefully as a couple.

If the trouble happens to be that you're homosexual or that you already have a boyfriend/husband, then I can understand and respect your marital status and/or sexuality. However, I don't feel that should be the end of our communication between one another because, as I said earlier, you really do inspire me in such a way that would cause my heart to ache whether you would allow me to have you or not. Just being in the presence of your intellect and influence is enough to satisfy my feelings. In which case, we could be great friends that help each other out through crisis', share jokes, give advice, or make recommendations on movies/books with each other. All I want is for you to be happy so that I might be near your warming radiance and partake of some of that happiness. And I'm willing to have you reach that state of joy in whatever manner you would prefer because--As I said--I'm willing to approach this situation with as much patience as you require to make things work between us.

Forever truly yours,
Pariah of the RKMBS