Originally Posted By: Dr Fate
You disregard truth for the sake of an easy insult or for your own luxury when you accuse others of that which you blatantly do yourselves. You turn a blind eye to Joe Mama's obsession with Halo or Pariah's obsession with 655321 yet will call others "obsessed", "sad", or "pathetic".
You rationalize cruelty, indifference, and intolerance by stating that any who are hurt by such things are weak. That is a stance that can only lead to hypocrisy when you complain about the "moronic" comments of others. I assure you, if cruelty, indifference, and intolerance are not moronic then nothing is.
You have built your house upon quick sand and it will sink. I promise you.

Quoted for the truth.

That was one goddamn helluva show.