Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
This guy ALMOST sums up how I feel about politics/national stuff in general.

Right on,

except that I reject his ultimate conclusion.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

..is more along the lines of what I believe.

What a dipshit.

He compares the U.S. to Nazi Germany, and advocates abandoning the U.S. to live somewhere else, because the U.S. is "such a bad place", an evil place that has built itself on the murder and destruction of other peoples and nations.

How, in any possible interpretation could that ever be seen by any of you assholes as "patriotic" or pro-American ?!?

Here's a little more of your spiteful excuse for "patriotism": A liberal-doctored TIME magazine cover, that photoshops U.S. soldiers into Nazi stormtroopers. Never mind that we're there helping them build an independent democracy, and that our soldiers, far from committing Nazi-style genocide, are mostly trying to prevent Sunnis and Shias from committing genocide on each other.

You guys really are dumbasses, and oblivious to how anti-American you truly are.