well not all German soldiers in world war ii were nazis, most of them were just soldiers (patriots) serving their country. the leader of their country was a man who came to power through fearmongering and divisive politics and then began a campaign of invading other countries who had not attacked his country.
i think wondy if you really loved America you wouldn't hold this "we're always perfect" view and would be more concerned with the number of parallels to nazi germany. if you really loved your country you wouldn't sit idly by while the man you support tarnishes our beloved countries reputation, drives our economy into debt, and costs the lives of thousands of our soldiers on a war he didn't even have the sense to plan ahead. i think if you really loved this country you would be against such destructive acts which only hurt us down to our core. but i guess you're more interested in lip service, say you love the country then vote for the people who are destroying it as long as they promise to keep mexicans out.

Bow ties are coool.