Originally Posted By: the G-man
  • Barack Obama backpedaled from a promise to meet with Iran's leader - but that didn't prevent a scorching attack yesterday from Republican rival John McCain.

    Obama noted that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - who has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map - might not even be in office in 2009 when an Obama administration would begin, and that clerics hold most of the power in Iran.

    But during a presidential debate earlier this year that featured questions from YouTube viewers, Obama didn't hesitate when asked if he would hold talks with the heads of Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.

    Campaigning in Colorado, McCain stepped up his foreign-policy assault on Obama.

    "Many believe all we need to do to end the nuclear programs of hostile governments is have our president talk with leaders in Pyongyang and Tehran, as if we haven't tried talking to these governments repeatedly over the past two decades," McCain said

Maybe this is another of Obama's early onset Alzheimers' symptoms. He forgot his earlier position.

Watch and learn:

You know, we elect leaders who make claims based on facts, not on the assumptions of 'average Americans' who aern't that well versed on the Iranian political hiearchy.

It's sort of like Ted Stevens again repeating the McCain line that Al Queda is in Iran. No wonder Iraq is a custefuk. These people don't even know basic foreign policy facts.

With the Obama claim that he said he'd meet with Ahmadinejad, I can understand it being just lying to people about what Obama said for political advantage. Hell, it's what got us into Iraq. But with many other facts, it just seems the gOP are really clueless.