Originally Posted By: thedoctor
In all honesty, I don't really see the big deal in the statement itself. I mean, Obama's great uncle was in the military and involved with bringing down a camp built to work Jews to death. Where I see this being a problem is when you add it to the other little mistakes or 'metaphors' that Obama has used during his campaign, it just makes it seem more and more like he's being your average politician and saying what he thinks will get him elected, truthful or not. This is hardly as bad as Hillary and the Bosnian sniper.

I don't disagree. However, as noted earlier, whenever McCain makes a gaffe, even a more minor one, whomod claims that such gaffes are evidence that a candidate is either a devious liar or senile (depending on which blog he cut and pasted it from). Accordingly, I think its fair to point out Obama's consistent pattern of making similar, or even more egregious, misstatements.

Getting back to Obama, I agree that some "gaffes" are worse than others and probably his worst was when he called white people in small towns "bitter" and clinging to guns and religion.

That was in a relaxed setting (a small private fundraiser) and the candidate was surrounded by like minded people. I doubt the misstatement was caused by being tired or nervous. More likely, Obama felt at ease enough to express what he really thinks about a large segment of the U.S. population.

And knowing that's how he feels is pretty disturbing.