Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm gonna switch things up a little.

Next Thursday, I'm closing on my first home. In celebration of us getting a house together, my gal went out and bought me a 46" flatscreen LCD TV. Once I set up the home theater (sometime Friday, as we'll be painting and wallpapering all day Thursday after closing, and the leather sectional and entertainment unit come on Friday), I want to watch something that will take advantage of the wonders that the TV and home theater will provide. But what to watch?

I'm leaning towards my Japanese import of Grindhouse, particularly the actual theatrical release that isn't offered in the US. Or Shawn Of The Dead, as it's one of my favorite flicks and deserving of "first movie watched" status. Someone suggested Top Gun to take advantage of the upgraded picture and sound, but I don't own it. So what do all of you suggest? What movie deserves to be the first film watched on the new home theater?

Nice! Now go Blu-Ray to take advantage of it all!