Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
My punishment? You'll let people talk shit about kids but take issue with big sigs?

i asked you directly several times about your sig image. you responsed, ... what was it... "fuck you rob"? thats not very sporting. i haven't banned your account. i haven't deleted your posts. with the instant click of a button, i could undo every image post you've ever made, replacing it with an image of support for gay feline marriage if i wanted. i haven't done any of that. i simply changed your name to remind you about your signature. it appears to be working.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

And how the fuck is that silly? His mother is a grown woman. Incest is gross, but nowhere near as bad as beating on a child.

you are dumb. filled with dumb.

You never, EVER asked me about my sig. So now you are a liar and morally bankrupt sack of shit.

Explain to me how it's silly, Rob? If you think talking shit about someone's mom is so horrible than why do you allow it? You're seriously starting to sound like a future child abuser. Hope your fiance knows what she's getting into with your dumbass.