Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You never, EVER asked me about my sig. So now you are a liar and morally bankrupt sack of shit.

this message board has a log (tee hee! it means "records") system to keep track of every administrative change. thus, there is a back-and-forth report of you adding signature images, and me deleting it telling you not to use large images. then you adding more images with a "fuck you rob" heading, and my deleting it again. this is a process that repeated in variation ... maybe ten times?

does that help you remember? i could send you the txt file if you'd like...? you'd have to answer quickly, though, before pro hacks it!

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Hope your fiance knows what she's getting into with your dumbass.

i was about to call you a hypocrit again for bringing in family members and such, but then i remembered that the new rule you posted a few moments ago said it was only kids that were off limits. well played!

btw, why don't you ask zap what he thinks of your actions? surely he'll agree with you, right?

You never spoke to me about my sig rob. You fucking erased it, if that's what you consider "talking".

And I didn't insult your fiance. Not even remotely. I'm seriously saying you are pretty fucked up if you can't see that claiming someone beats their child is worse that calling someone a mother fucker.