Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I didn't come here to defend somebodies sister/mom. You wanna fallaciously lump them all together just to negate my points...but you can't.

no. you came here to talk about someone else's mom.

no one offended your kids, so your morality wouldn't hold as dear. you have no bond with another's kid.

because you've established that as subjective, that means you understand that nowhereman and his mother could have an incredibly strong bond, and you've tried to attack that. further, if your specific "science" shows a bond between you and your kids, you'd understand that some science applies nowhereman's mom and him.

however, whatever science or sorcery or line drawn in the sand you want to qualify, its undeniable that you attacked someone else's mother. an action your zap disapproves of. an action that you really should disapprove of, and we believed formerly did, but i guess now you're making it clear you never did, and find it perfectly acceptable to make such comments about another's mother?

is your argument that you're not a hypocrite, you're just a shit head? in which case, i think we're all in agreement.

You wanna call me a shithead? Go ahead, I'm sure you fragile fucks will find one reason or another to think that.

And so what if I have no attachement to Who's kid? I can't empathize with him for something I know would bother me?

I called Nowhereman a pervert and accused him of incest but rex called Whomod the scum of the earth and accused him of beating a CHILD. You get that? There's a WORLD of difference.

But you don't really care. You just need to try and bring us down to your level so you won't feel so low. You've failed Rob, deal with it.