Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
... there may have been WMD's two decades ago, at some point, possibly. But, absolutely nothing like the Republicans claimed...

Whoa. It wasn't just "republicans" making that claim. Clinton, Gore, Kerry and dozens of other Democrat officials, in both the Clinton WH and Congress, all made the same claim as Bush prior to the war, namely, that Saddam either had them or was about to have them. And, further, Clinton and Gore were making that claim before Bush was even in office.

but they didn't invade the country based on faulty intel. they didn't say things about confirmed intel that later turned out to be lies (or "bad intel" as they say).

[quot] This wasn't a Republican claim. It was a bipartisan claim. [/quote]
but it was a republican who started the war. and it was a republican administration stacked with people who wanted to invade iraq long before 9/11.

To be fair to Obama (this thread is about him, after all), he voted against the war. However, he did that largely out of a belief that diplomacy was a better alternative, not because he didn't believe the weapons were there/coming.

and diplomacy probably would've been a better option. i think also building up support in the arab world would've been better than a christian army swarming in and basically fulfilling bin laden's warnings.

Still, this whole idea that "Bush LIED"(TM) gets a little ridiculous, unless you're willing to claim that the Clintons, Gore, Kerry, etc., all lied too.

well there are so many other lies, and scandals, and indictments to choose from in the administration. even you have to admit that bush is a bad president, or at the very least someone who made bad choices in the people he put in place.
and again, kerry gore and clinton didn't start a war. bush did.

Bow ties are coool.