Can somebody tell me why changing one's mind is a bad thing? All changing one's mind proves is that you're not a self-absorbed, arrogant, hard-headed ass that thinks he's right about everything regardless of facts and realistic practicality.

Honestly, the country would be a lot better off if minds could be changed after fair consideration and debate when it comes to big questions like "How do we unfuck the United States?"

Scientists change their minds on a regular basis and don't feel at all bad about it. Why? Because yeilding to the facts only betters one's self and mankind at large. If we "stayed the course" scientificly we'd still be putting leaches on people to cure herpes and syphilis.

This isn't specific to the strategic fuel reserves, just an address in general to changing one's mind.

I don't care if a politician changes his mind just so long as it was motivated by a discovery or consideration of the facts and a personal duty to the truth.

I will allow myself one cheap shot, though. "Not changing one's mind dispite facts and observable reality seems to be typical of an organization voted into power by citizens that can't grasp the concept of evolution."