Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Westley just proved my point well, he thinks that scientist who present opposing evidence should be ridiculed, the fact that the average temp is lower is of no concern to him, we still must fight global warming even if it doesn't exist!

Don't put words in my mouth. It's rude and violates my strict list of objects that belong in my mouth.

At no time did I say that a scientist should be ridiculed, I said that they are ridiculed. Graciously granting you the point.

And Global Warming does exist, as does Global Cooling. The Earth is dynamic, not static. You can deny either, warming or cooling, but it would be foolish given what we know of the history of the planet.

The planet began it's existence a burning, toxic wasteland and has cycled between what we call extreme hot, extreme cold, and temperate. It's fact.

The question is, does mankind have the impact to artificially effect these trends or accelerate\magnify their effects. That's the debate.

The proof that there's a net increase in significant warming is the north's inability to sufficiently regenerate it's frost from sea water. That cold, but not frozen, water cycles south and impacts the water flows that heat certain areas. Yes, those areas that have reported record winters, the east coast of america and the coasts of france and England to be specific.

You guys can debate me on Ecology, and I won't be ridiculing you or advocating ridiculing. But the facts are plain, the logic sound.

The earth heats, the earth cools .. it boils and freezes and everything in between. It's the "why" that you have to prove and predict. It's the why that the debate is over.

If you deny Global Climate change, you're arguing with a history as old as the planet.

Last edited by The Dread Pirate Westley; 2008-08-04 9:38 PM.