Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
you can tell that youve been around Halo with that response....

One of my first points was that facts do change. A point that you initially refuted as a fallacy on the grounds of resistance, and then grandly and probably accidently, supported.

I honestly don't see how Halo figures into this.

But if you think I'm dodging your question, I do remember when current facts suggested that pluto was a lone body. I also remember when, like in my point, new facts came to light and they were considered by the scientific community. Resulting in the fact being changed to reflect our new understanding.

I also remember when Pluto was thought the last orbiting body from the sun and that fact changing as well.

Maybe I'm missing your point here, was there something in it that damages my position?

EDIT; Add:

Until facts are found that the Earth is not 4 billion years old, did not have a molten beginning, and did not have several climate changes resulting in mass extinctions .. until then, the facts support my position. You can argue about how slippery these darned scientific facts are, just don't expect any substantial doubt to be cast without proof.

Last edited by The Dread Pirate Westley; 2008-08-05 3:21 AM.