Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Tommy is funny in his delusions...

Still need to believe that Invision shut Iggy down, even with no proof to support the claim? Still need to believe that you didn't retreat TWICE? Still need to spin failure of stated goals to make yourself feel like your botched "raid" accomplished something. Sad...well, not really.

Can we go back to talking politics? I need someone to explain to me - a politically jaded/cynical/apathetic person - why Obama is such a better candidate than McCain. I hate 'em both and, at this point, my vote will come down to a coin toss.

Common sense is proof enough. Iggy shut down the board around the same exact time other Insurgents were writing Invision about the baby rape stuff. Iggy's desperation to have you all believe it was shut down cause I wasn't there anymore (which in and of itself is weird) is testimony as well.

But since Iggy can't prove he shut the board down of his own volition I guess you just shot yourself in the foot...again.