Originally Posted By: the G-man

Looks like I broke Pro. He couldn't answer the charge against the Obamessiah so he dredged up the "I hate Bush" line and an ad hominem attack on my source.

no he didn't. you posted an article from a conservative "news" source and he did what you do any time a liberal article is posted.
does that mean mem and whomod broke you everytime you attack moveon.org? And he didn't say "I hate bush" as his argument, he directly responded to the article you posted, by questioning the kool-aid you drank of anyone questioning America being unpatriotic. I guess your "I hate Obama" avatar means he broke you.

But, anyway, more on Ayers, this time from unquestionably not conservative New York Times:
  • ''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.

    So, would Mr. Ayers do it all again, he is asked? ''I don't want to discount the possibility,'' he said.

he did what he believed was right. would you prefer he spent his time coked up and drunk driving?

And from the non-partisan Politico:

  • "Ayers was a terrorist. Bernardine Dohrn was a terrorist. Ayers has never offered one word of apology — he glories in it, thinks it’s terrific. And that to me is not what I would call acceptable or mainstream behavior,” said Dan Polsby, a former law professor at Northwestern who is now dean of George Mason University Law School.

    “If Obama takes a different view on that — well, OK, that’s data about Obama.”

what exactly did Obama do? last I checked he was a bit young to be involved with ANY 60's radical activity. Did he do anything illegal, aid in any actions? How many people are dead because of the actions of Bush's cabinet (not counting this war). Take their whole careers, how many people died because they were doing what they believed was right?

But don't worry, Pro, I'm sure Obama will throw his terrorist buddy under the bus soon enough... if there's still room left under the thing, that is.

Again, guilt by association is your attack on Obama. Donald Rumsfeld and the others in the Reagan administration worked with Saddam and Osama. They funded them, trained them, and even gave Saddam the foundations of whatever WMDs ever existed in Iraq. Why won't you condemn them? Is this a double standard, is it because he's black, or is this "I hate Obama" rhetoric from you just another sign that you've been broken (using your own logic).

Bow ties are coool.