Originally Posted By: Adler
... he didn't say "I hate bush" as his argument....

Rather than deal with the fact that Obama is apparently friends, and trying to cover up that friendship, with an unrepentent terrorist, Pro--and you--started calling Bush a cokehead, even though he had nothing to do with the thread. That's a classic page out of the "I Hate Bush" rhetoric book.

 Originally Posted By: Ray Adler

[Ayers] did what he believed was right

Pretty much every politically motivated terrorist is fighting for a cause. Osama Bin Laden does what he thinks is right.

And, as always, you're quick to defend those terrorists whenever they attack Americans.

 Originally Posted By: Ray Adler

...is it because [Obama]'s black...

Ray had to resort to the race card. If Pro failed, Ray failed spectacularly.