Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Bickering aside, I do find fault for Obama being friends with a known remorseful terrorist. I also have problems as previously discussed with a man raising his children in such a racist church. I don't put a lot of salt in personal life vs politics, but in these two cases his decision making skills have to be called into question.

In a lot of ways, Obama's friendship with Ayers is worse than the one with Wright.

Wright may be a vile racist, but he's a former Marine who fought for his country and has never, to my knowledge, planted bombs and committed terrorist acts.

Ayers may have committed his terrorist acts a long time ago, but he still brags about them to this day, including in an article that appeared September 11, 2001. He obviously still holds the view that attacks on innocent Americans are justified.

This is yet another example of Obama's poor judgement when it comes to his allies. At best, he's befriending these lowlifes for political expediency. At worse he secretly shares at least some of their views.

Pro and Ray, for all their bluster, probably realize this. That's why they're sputtering about George W. Bush and whatnot.