Originally Posted By: the G-man

No one called him a murderer.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

However, Ayers took it a lot farther when he started trying to blow up innocent people.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Ayers may have committed his terrorist acts a long time ago, but he still brags about them to this day, including in an article that appeared September 11, 2001. He obviously still holds the view that attacks on innocent Americans are justified.

he blew up a statue dedicated to a riot. they rebuilt the statue and he blew it up again. no attempts on innocent lives, no murder.
just more G-lies.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Pro and Ray, for all their bluster, probably realize this. That's why they're sputtering about George W. Bush and whatnot.

bush is still president last time i checked. the wars he started are still ongoing. the many thousands are still dead. his lies and pretty much criminal acts are still being unspooled and people are still taking the fall for him. this is all current events. we're talking about a man who is trying to get the job bush holds.
the same way republicans used clinton (who's lies didn't kill hundreds of thousands or violate the constitution) as a warcry in 2000, you still like to attack gore using the same repeated misquote and misrepresentation of the facts from a 1999 quote.

Bow ties are coool.