Pro:I never try to sway anyone, I only post my opinions based on gut instinct, I am seldom wrong about people based on gut. I've rarely voted the wrong person based on gut (GW second term was wrong), but in this election my gut tells me Obama is no good, and my brain tells me McCain has a healthy record of good decision making, and leadership skills needed for the Presidency. GW wasnt a leader he was a loner who was in the lead. Obama is not a leader he is someone who sways whichever way the tide goes.

In the Presidency you need a leader, political views are less important the President is going to have to compromise or be put in a corner (see GW's last 2 years), the secret is getting someone who can lead people to compromise. Obama is and will always be polarizing just by his uppity nature, McCain has always been seen by the left and right as someone that can reach out to get something done.