Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
Every time I praise those social programs, i'm praising America. Everytime I "attack" Bush for his questionable actions, I'm defending America. Every time I talk about what's wrong with America, I am defending America.

I'm sure you're defending an America, but it doesn't seem to be the one that actually exists. maybe in imaginary liberal america (pronounced marxist hippie fun land) your actions are pretty damn patriotic. in the real world, however, it's the same sort of America-bashing we've already got pretentious eurotrash for.

Ray actually expressed his feelings pretty profoundly and fairly. And all you have in return is to insult him and question his patriotism? Who are you to decide if he's right or wrong? What makes your beliefs and political edicts superior to his? What you're saying is that if anyone questions or is critical of the federal government, then they're not patriotic, "true" Americans. So, then, I should lump you in with the Nazis (pronounced fascist dictatorial holocaust land) because you obey and praise the Federal Administration without question?

x sandy. someone wasn't paying attention to the context. I realize marxist hippie fun land probably got under your skin, but I wasn't questioning adler's patriotism (the level of which, I feel, is pretty self-evident) so much as I was questioning how the constructive part of his criticism pertained in any way to the actual United States as opposed to the idealized imaginary United States he so enjoys comparing everything to. call a spade a spade, I say. if he's really so adamant about his political convictions, he shouldn't be so ashamed of them that he has to try and write off his open dissent as some kind of bass-ackwards patriotism.


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