Originally Posted By: the G-man
However, for far too many of these "patriots" their ONLY form of patriotism is to attack and/or blame America first.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Okay, serious for a moment?

I agree. I recognize there are extremes to every side. And while I hate the whole Abu-Ghraib thing, I also hated these freaks in Hollywood throwing on "orange ribbons" or whatever in "sympathetic protest". That kind of elitist hypocrisy irks me.

But, even so, just because someone criticizes the administration doesn't necessarily mean they fall into the category you describe...

That's true. And I try to differentiate between legitimately criticizing this administration (even I do that) and stuff like: (a) blanket statements like "God DAMN America"; (b) blowing up shit; (c) stupid shit like saying we're no better than Nazi Germany; (d) people who do nothing BUT justify anti-American behavior.

At the same time, however, I wish some people could differentiate in the opposite direction and realize that not all dissent is patriotic, either.

Someone wants to say that Bush is an incompetent leader who bungled the war? Fine. That's a legitimate, constitutionally protected, opinion even if others might disagree.

Someone wants to say that the Taliban was justified to kill our soldiers because they're "foreign invaders"? That's anti-American assholery by any reasonable person's standard.