Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Heh. And the funny thing is that I'm almost as anti-evangelical as both you and whomod.

yet you voted for one twice.

Lesser of two evils, Ray. If I'm stuck with the choice between:
  • (a) an evangelical Christian whom I disagree with on abortion and gay marriage but who generally shares my views on taxes, the military, government regulation of business, gun control, judicial appointments, etc.; or
    (b) someone who threatens to raise taxes, turn our military over the UN, socialize vast sectors of the gross national product and appoint ACLU attorneys to the Supreme Court and is either:(i) a haughty, French-looking Kennedy protege; or (ii) an environmental wacko with a messiah complex who thinks he invented the internet;

I'm going to vote with the evangelical.

just quoting from the playbook now? rehashing the same tired cliches, the many many cliches that your side use which are proven false with the slightest examination.
sad, grandpa. just sad.

Bow ties are coool.