Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
wow i guess it would be alright to be friends with Pol Pot since most of that happened when I was eight.

how many statues did pol pot blow up?

this guy is not the mass murdering terrorist you make him out to be. He wasn't a rapist, I don't think anyone even died. And his actions weren't motivated by racism, greed, hatred. He was acting in response to what he saw as an unjust government.
Obama was 8, had nothing to do with anything this guy did. And either way why shouldn't Obama be friends with him? Is he still setting bombs? Saying he wished he'd done more is a far cry from action. Have you ever said you wanted to punch someone? Should we arrest you for assault? It sounds like basically Obama is friends with a guy who holds some radical (by some people's standards)beliefs. You've never had a friend who felt something different than you, or felt a little harsher? Has Obama endorsed the actions, or is he just friends with the man?

And George W. Bush has family who supported Hitler. He appointed people who worked with Saddam Hussein, and helped train bin Laden. They believed it was the right thing to do and that led to thousands of deaths, I don't think Ayers killed anyone. Where's the moral indignation over that?
And where are the angry conservatives bitching about the statue Bush destroyed in Iraq?

Bow ties are coool.