Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Bush had a statue destroyed in Iraq, and Ayers bombed the US Capitol. nice comparison, it's views like that that will win it for McCain.

you say he "bombed the capitol" like he planted a bomb at some famous site and caused untold deaths.
I just rechecked his bio. He blew up a statue, twice. It caused property damage but killed NO ONE. He went underground before any charges were filed, charges were filed and then dropped and he came out of hiding and lived a respectable life.
Last time I checked in America we had this thing called "innocent until proven guilty."
We also have free speech, free association, and generally people should be allowed to change and evolve over the course of their lives. Ayers was 25 when he blew up the statue, that was 40 years ago and 30something years before he met and befriended Obama.

the far left hasnt realized most of America is in the middle, we dont view blowing up statues in Washington and advocating the overthrow of our govt the same as going to war with a country that has vowed to destroy us.

Iraq was no threat to us, they didn't attack us. I think most people would actually be way more offended by a current war that is costing thousands of American lives, a war started on lies, a war started by people who helped the enemy establish themselves, than they would about a statue being blown up 40 years ago.
Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far."
but not far enough according to Obama's future secretary of war.