Originally Posted By: the G-man
Seriously, the far left in places like San Francisco think our country is, at best, no better than any other nation and, at worst, the greatest threat to the world there is.

I think the far left see this country as heavily flawed and believe it can be better. I think the far left wonder why so much is spent on wars that make the warmakers richer while our schools go to shit. I think the far left is annoyed that people care more about iphones and their comfort than about the environment and the air we all breathe.
i think the far right believes that everything is perfect as long as they get what they want. as long as you have your creature comforts and don't have to pay too much for them then you're happy. fuck the rest of the world.

I would rather America actually was number 1, instead of just saying we are. I would rather America have the best in healthcare, education, quality of life, and was seen the world over as a beacon of honesty and integrity.
But you're fine with being hated globally as long as you feel like you're top dog.
As a result, those type of people really believe that attacking our own country is no worse than attacking a foreign dictator.

"attacking our own country?" He blew up a statue. He did not attack anyone or kill anyone. He made a statement. Was it wrong? It was vandalism and probably cost a bit to repair the damage. But it's a far cry from illegally invading another country and killing hundreds of thousands because someone in totally different country killed some Americans.
Technically millions of people set off bombs in the name of "freedom" on July 4th. Only on July 4th has a higher mortality rate than Ayers.

Bow ties are coool.