https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-ally-nuclear-threat-ukraine-win 1871005#:~:text=A%20close%20ally%20of%20Russian,in%20its%20invasion%20of%20Ukraine.

Fine,nuke Washington,see if I care. Although it would piss me off that they hit our country.
A good one, about how nuking 93% Democrat Washington DC would be different from a nuclear attack on the actual United States.

But on a serious note, that's why they call it muttually assured destrucion.

The Putin-ites can give lip service to such threats of attacking the U.S., but if they actually do it, our nuclear triad would turn Moscow into molten glass, more than returning the favor.
Nobody wins in that scenario, but just sayin'.

I just hope the United States can survive till after November and a return of Trump to the White House.

I'm hoping that Russia, China and Iran would not want to start anything at his point, so close to Trump's likely return, when they know they'll pay a high price for any new wars or other attacks, upon Trump's return to the presidency.
Alternately, they could gamble over he next 8 months that the fecklessness of Biden's White House could allow them a quick victory before Nov 2024.
As in the example of the Biden-orchestrated collapse in Afghanistan.
As in the example of Biden sitting on his hands and not responding for over 3 months to Iran-sponsored islamic attacks on over 160 U.S. bases in the mid east, since the Hamas attacks on Israel Oct 7tth. And even then Biden only counter-attacked these groups (but did not attack the source of those attacks, in Iran) Biden giving only token return fire, for purely poliical reasons.. I can easily envision Biden's White House calling Tehran to say "Hey, don't be mad, but we have to atack some of your bases to posture tough for our voters, but here's a list in advance of the sites we're going to strike..."
Even after multiple U.S. soldiers were severely injured and killed in those 160 attacks, even after that, Biden and his puppetmasters have done only the most token retaliation. After telegraphing what and where the U.S. would attack for 2 weeks in advance, so that by then all the terrorists could run away and survive to attack us again.
That's basically an invitation for Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Al Qaida, ISIS, Hamas, etc., to do their very worst for the next year.

Biden can't leave office fast enough.
I just hope it's soon enough to prevent the kind of devastation Biden has left us wide open to, for four years.