

Over the last 2 weeks, while federal measures have tightened on the protesters with arrests and fines and other threats, the Canada trucker-led protests have increased in their resolve, despite leader Justin Trudeau's labelling them as "extremists", "dangerous", "racist white supremacists" and "terrorists" (oh yeah, the family guys bringing their wives and kids, with bounce houses, serving food to crowds, and dancing in the streets, are DEFINITELY white racist terrorists!)

Regardless of all the pejorative labelling of protesters by Trudeau ,and his oppressive twisting of the law to prevent the peaceful civil disobedience, that has been practiced in nationss worldwide by leaders from Thoreau to Ghandi to Martin Luther King Jr. , to million-man marches on Wahsington DC, to annual March For Life rallies since 1973, to gigantic peaceful protests to the Vietnam war (in the 1970's) and Irag war (in the 2000's) .
But now suddenly, Canada sets a new standard for Western democracies, of suppressing free speech and all dissenting thought, and using police/military force to lock down and suppress all dissenting thought, threatening to take away their truckers' businesses and licenses, and their personal assets, imposing gigantic fines, to intimidate them into silence.

A federal exertion of power on dissenters more akin to that of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing or Hong Kong, or that of Putin's Russia, than that of permitting peaceful dissent rallies practiced for over a century in the U.S. and other Western democracies. Trudeau's freezing of millions in donations to the truckers raised on GoFund Me.com and AskSendGo.com, and threatening to seize truckers' personal bank accounts and those of people who donate to them, and further steps to outlaw Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies used to fund their protests.

But even so... the Canadian truckers and their supporters have more resolve than ever to protest the oppressive and illogical Canadian federal mandates of forced Covid vaccines and wearing of masks.in businesses and schools.

Further, the Canadian protests have sparked similar protests to end Covide vaccine mandates in France and throughout European nations, in Australia and New Zealand, the entire Western world.

Even Israel !

With a similar trucker strike to begin across the U.S. in early March.
Canada' trucker strike has already galvanized and increased Covid-mandate opposition in the U.S., where Democrat governors in Oregon, Washington, California, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut have tried to get out in front of voter opposition and pre-emptively ended the mandates in their states over the last week. NOTHING new has been revealed from the medical science, the science has said for over a year that the vaccines are not working, that being vaccinated does not prevent infection, that a vaccinated person can still get Covid-19 and spread it to others. Democrat governors have known this for over a year, and are only submitting now to the will of the people because voters are becoming aware of these facts, and to not lift these mandates will get them rejected in the next election. I hope it's already too late for them to be re-elected, they are no longer trustworthy.

The medical science has shown for over a year that natural immunity of those who have recovered from Covid is the only way that gives one permanent and lasting immunity, and prevents them from spreading it to others. Science would logically allow people who have recovered to be tested for antibodies, and if the test shows they already recovered from Covid, they should not be subjected to mandatory Covid vaccination for an illness they already had and are immune to.
A vaccine with health risks that at least 22,000 people have died from (believed to be only about 0.3% of the actual deaths, the ones reported in the VAERS medical vaccine reporting system).
And a vaccine where children are more at risk of dying from the vaccine than they are from Covid itself. Currently the child deaths from those vaccinated is 170% more than those who died of Covid.

One doctor in California I saw interviewed, Dr. Brian Tyson of Southern California, whose office has personally treated 10,000 Covid patients over the last 2 years, mostly with either Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or other supporting medications, cites that 48,000 people in the U.S. have died within 2 weeks of being vaccinated. How did the CDC overcome this fact? They changed the reporting statistics, so that "fully vaccinated" is not declared until more than 2 weeks after vaccination. Sweeping those deaths under the rug.

The medical science shows that masks don't work. Cloth masks provide ZERO PERCENT protection from the virus.
An N95 mask only provides 85% protection, and only if worn perfectly with no loose edges on the mask worn. A study I linked a week ago shows that major studies show only a 0.2% reductionin Covid infections , if preventing any infections.
And that the lockdowns, for all the trillions in financial losses, the closed and bankrupted businesses, the foreclosed homes, the millions of jobs lost, have all been for nothing, no difference in outcome.

Sweden, the only country to have not imposed business lockdowns or school closures, has fared about the same as nations that have self-destructively locked down.

Currently, 5 of Canada's 13 provinces have ended Vaccine mandates and Mask mandates as a direct result of the trucker strike.

Simultaneously in the U.S. , Democrat governors in at least 8 states have ended mask mandates . Mandatory vaccination to attend school , or to work in federal, state or local government jobs, should also be ended. That would be in line with THE SCIENCE, and has been in line with THE SCIENCE for at least a year now. These lockdowns are more about Democrat/Leftist political control than about any logical or scientific measures to contain Covid-19 at this poiint.
So the truckers and their supporters, worldwide, are on the side of the angels on this one.
And if you don't believe in angels, on the side of THE SCIENCE.