
Quebec, Ontario Latest Canadian Provinces to Roll Back Vax Passports

The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec recently announced they will gradually end their COVID-19 vaccine passport systems.

Quebec's passport system will no longer be in effect in public places by March 14, according to officials. In Ontario, the proof-of-vaccination mandate will end at the beginning of March.

These decisions come as COVID-19 cases fall from their Omicron highs and the Canadian trucker protest against vaccine mandates continues. Quebec and Ontario are joining Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island in eliminating the passport system.Canada's CTV News added that Nova Scotia is also in the beginning phases of easing restrictions.

More at the link.

And my favorite part:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced Monday the province's vaccine passport system "for all settings" and capacity limits for indoor public spaces would end March 1. During Ford's announcement, he said the decision was not influenced by the trucker convoy, which has been ongoing since the end of January.

lol lol lol Ohhhh, sure , it didn't !
The Ontario premier was among the most vociferous and threatening toward the truckers just a few days ago.

Hopefully more provinces to follow, and more states in the U.S. as well. It just amazes me how even in passive Canada, the government response was not to listen to the people or have any kind of a dialogue, but just to threaten truckers and their supporters and call them "white racists" and "terrorists", and NOT EVEN TRY to have a public dialogue on the medical science, or attempt any kind of compromise. I hope this signals the abrupt end of Justin Trudeau's political career in the very near future. People who slander their citizens and attempt these kind of strong-arm tactics should not be allowed anywhere near federal of state power.
I hope there are punishing lawsuits against these leaders for what they've already done.

Likewise in the U.S.
The medical science shows no logic to firing employees for refusing a vaccine that has clear dangers, and doesn't even work. One can be infected even with the vaccine, one can spread the virus to others, even with the vaccine. Deaths of children mandated to take the vaccine are 170% of the deaths from Covid-19 itself.

And I hope there are hundreds of thousands of lawsuits for costly temporary or permanent injuries from the mandated vaccine, and for wrongful deaths.
And lawsuits for compensation for lost wages of those wrongfully fired, along with costly "punitive damages".
And large settlements for the surviving families of those who died. At least 22,000 who died from the vaccine (officially, under-reported), and possibly over 2 million so far unreported deaths from the vaccine itself.

Those who deliberately ignored the science to impose these mandates, and ignored more effective therapies like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, to push ineffective expensive treatments like Remdesevir in hospitals, that caused hundreds of thousands to die who didn't have to in the U.S.
There should be a VERY high price paid by those who pushed this suffering and ignored effective treatments, out of warped priorities of authoritarian political control, or greed for selling less effective medications and vaccines that THEY KNEW didn't work.
But pushed them anyway.

Again look at "The story of Ivermectin" video, that shows the impoverished overcrowded northern India province of Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 241 million people packed in that tiny province (equivalent to 71% of the U.S. population), who implemented Ivermectin use in that province to the family and medical caregivers of every infected person, in a province where social distancing is impossible, and they have a fraction of the medical funding of the U.S., and yet... they brought their province to ZERO deaths by January 2021, over a year ago.

And in that same time, the U.S. still has around 3,000 deaths a day, every day, for OVER A YEAR after Uttar Pradesh has eliminated the problem. Clearly, the U.S. government and CDC and NIH and hospitals have other priorities than saving lives. Like a connection to Big Pharma, and profiting from using less effective but more expensive medications.

OAN, "The story of Ivermectin", 25 minute documentary video :