
I'm skepical if any of those emotional scenarios you cited are real. Or if they are just fear-porn the Democratt/Left uses to scare women into pulling he "D" lever when they vote.

After the U S Supreme Court "Dobbs decision" to strike down the 1973 federal mandate for abortion, NOT ONE STATE has made abortion illegal.
All that ruling did was give authority back to the individual states to decide what parameters to put on local abortion laws, sensitive to the will of the people in each state, as it should have been decided 50 years ago in 1973.

If the people of Texas or Alabama find abortion on demand in the 5th or 6th month inhuman or barbaric, then they can outlaw that in their state.
If the people of a state find partial birth abortion in the 8th or 9th month inhuman and cruel, they now are not forced to tolerate it against heir will, and can limit abortion in their state accordingly.

And if you're a woman who wants a late-term or partial birth abortion procedure?
Then just cross the border and go to a crazy state like California or Illinois or Vermont or New York or Massachusetts who permits that procedure.

I frankly think the Republicans have the angels on their side on this one, but are just timid in explaining well what the U S S C ruling actually means.

Did you know that abortion is illegal in European countries after 16 weeks?
And yet the Democrat/Left maniacs in the U S want abortion on demand way beyond that. Even far-Left-of-center Europe finds our late-term abortion laws barbaric.

When Roe v Wade began in 1973, it broke abortion into 3 trimesters.
In the first 3 months a woman could get abortion for any reason without restriction.
In the 2nd 3 months a woman had lesser access to abortion, the more developed the fetus.
In the 3rd trimester, a woman could only get abortion in cases of rape, of incest, or if carrying the baby created a threat to the life of the mother.

When I was in 10th grade in high school, I had a Spanish teacher who was pregnant and near-term, and one day the dean came in class and told us she was dead. It turned out, despite only being in her early 30's she had a heart condition, and was warned that having a baby posed a risk to her life because of her fragile condition. But she made an informed decision to take the risk, and unfortunately she died prior to delivery.

In recent years the initial trimester breakdown for Roe v. Wade has been walked all over, and in many states you can have an abortion way past the 3rd month, no questions asked.
So giving authority back to individual states to decide what is permissible has restored a balance, and given back power to the people in individual states, to decide what is lawful, fair, and humane, in their states.
To my knowledge, only the (very conservative) state of Kansas even attempted to outright ban abortion in any circumstance. And that attempt failed and lost a few Republicans in that and other states their offices.

I don't advocate ban of abortion, I advocate a program to fully advise women in every state of ALL their options when pregnant, including abortion, but also including giving the baby up for adoption, or bringing the baby to term, and maybe training for a decent-paying career, to provide for and raise the baby themselves if they wish.

20 years ago, polls showed the public was about 50 % in favor of abortion, and 40% who opposed.
Bill O'Reilly (when he was still on Fox, circa 2012) showed that because of increased public awareness, through sonograms and other technology, showing that the baby has a heartbeat almost from the time of conception, that the baby feels pain in the womb, that it highly developed and is human very early into the pregnancy.
With widespread awareness of this just 10 years later, public opinion polls had swayed so that the previous poll numbers had reversed, to 40% in favor of abortion, and 50% who oppose.

And there are hundreds of thousands of couples in the U.S. alone every year, who want to adopt but can't, so those babies if born would not be unwanted. They will even adopt babies from Africa or China, regardless of race, so they can adopt a child.

The number of abortions since 1973 is approximately equal to the number of immigrants the U.,S. has imported over the last 50 years.
If we were having enough children in the U.S., as we were till 1963, we wouldn't need to import replacement population for the tens of millions who have been aborted.