Part B

Where Beck discusses how the remaining TARP funds, rather than be used to help Americans who have lost their jobs, are being used to pay for Obama's new "Financial Reform Bill".
But that AIG's executive who appeared before Congress hearings said they are "still investigating the cause" of the financial collapse. So the Democrats' "financial reform bill" is being pushed as the solution, even as AIG still hasn't found the cause. (i.e., the progressive agenda for some hidden purpose is more important than finding the actual cause of the crisis.)

And how attorney General Eric Holder was out of the country when the Russian spies were arrested, while simultaneously Robert Gibbs said Obama had "no personal reaction" to the Russian espionage and arrests.
And bizarrely, Vladimir Putin condemned the arrest of Russian spies as "an attempt to smear the president" by "racists". So for the first time, the Russian leadership is against the U.S. government, but for the U.S. president. You'd almost think they had a stake in Obama being president.

Part C

Elena Kagan in senate hearings, evades describing herself as "progressive", despite her clear history as one, because of Progressives' ideological contempt for the Constitution.
And Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) showing his contempt for U.S. border security and sovereignty, as he mocks Minutemen sacrificing their time to patrol the border that the government should be --but is NOT-- defending. Demonstrating as well Stark's contempt for the opinion and safety of the American people.

Part D

More of Rep Pete Stark mocking his dissenters at a town hall meeting. Beck points out that despite Stark's slanders of "who will the Minutemen kill next?" there has NEVER BEEN ONE shooting by the minutemen.
Another liberal activist quoted, saying of U.S. Border Patrol that one shouldn't be in the same room with them, that it would be "like having dinner with a KKK member."
And discussing Obama's touted goal of "fundamental transformation", Maxine Waters (D-CA), a member of the progressive causus, says fundamental change means "the U.S. government will end up owning all our companies."
This demonstrates the beauty of what Beck does, he doesn't imply anything or say it himself. He just thoroughly busts these people incriminating themselves on video, in a context that cannot possibly be mistaken. Their intent and ultimate goals are quite clear, Beck simply reports what no one else will.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.