Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I don't think you're a "nice guy". I think you're a spineless and spiteful little weasel. And I think you deserve whatever you get, for your vindictive behavior that surely extends into your personal life off these boards.

Oh well hey, if we're going to get personal here...I mean, I don't speak for Ray, but I'd love to tell you that YOU are, in fact, the most ignorant, selfish, simple-minded fool I've ever run into in life. Ever since the DCMBs, it's been obvious that you are a close-minded bigot who hates all things and people that do not fall within his pre-conceived version of the world. You have nothing but genuine hate in your heart, born from a Fire-and-Brimstone religious conversion that has twisted all compassion in your soul to an undeserved judgmental hypocrisy. And the truly pathetic aspect of it all? You willfully blind yourself from the facts of life and the world to better serve the psychological walls you have constructed that filter your vision of reality. You were born ignorant, and will die the same. Good luck with that, and I hope we never meet in real life...

In other words... I'm to be demonized for not conforming to your narrowminded liberal views.

Nothing personal, eh Prometheus?

For your information, while I do believe in the Bible, I haven't been a churchgoer for more than 12 years. I generally quote the Bible not to evangelize, just to present what it actually says, as opposed to what you, Ray Adler, Klinton and others misrepresent it to say.

And my views are generally backed up by both statistical facts, as well as my personal experience with illegals. I'd wager I have FAR more experience interacting on pretty much a daily basis with immigrants (both legal AND illegal) in both my professional and personal life, than you have.
Pretty remarkable for a "close-minded" [sic] white racist.

And I'd say a majority of my friends are non-U.S.-born immigrants. My closest friend immigrated here from Argentina 13 years ago. And --if you actually read my posts instead of just falsely stereotyping me, and pulling out of thin air whatever your perception of a "white racist" is-- you might recall a post of mine that at one time (1998) of when I was dating a beautiful girl from Colombia, and since she spoke virtually no english, I made an effort to speak spanish to her. I was remarkably sympathetic to immigrants and illegals in those days.
As I've posted at least once before, I was talking to my Argentinian friend Orlando about her over lunch one day, and he asked how long she'd been in the U.S.
"7 years" I responded.
He cringed angrily at my response. I saw his reaction and asked what he was angry about. He said "well, she's been here 7 years and she doesn't speak even functional english. In a year, two years at most, she should be able to speak at least functional english."
It was he, the immigrant who had to learn english when he came here, who was offended, not me, the native-born english-speaking American.

It was that moment that began the change in my views toward immigration, and my observation that many illegals --and legal immigrants-- were not assimilating.
Not all, not a majority of immigrants, but way too many.

Another turning point was my brother, who about the same time was rear-ended in a car accident that totalled his car from behind. The car that was piloted into him at 60-plus M.P.H. was driven by 3 illegal immigrants, Mexican, and spoke not a single word of english. And of course, had no auto insurance. It took him about four years to finally fully recover from that accident.

My aunt, a Phd. who was chair of an education department at a California university, was killed in a similar car accident, where two drug dealers in an SUV were being chased at high speed through the streets of L.A. by drug dealers in a second SUV. When they went through an intersection, the first SUV hit a compact car, which served as a ramp that made the SUV go airborne, and it landed on my aunt's car, killing her instantly. My cousin, a city planner, was in the passenger seat and watched his mother die. I guess he got off easy, all he had to do was go through several reconstructive surgeries, and physical therapy after to learn how to walk again.
The drug dealers were illegals. And it was not their first conviction.

Please tell me some more how I don't know what I'm talking about.

I've detailed many other accounts of my interaction with minorities (black, hispanic, muslim, asian) who have treated me in a discriminatory manner (that I mentioned relative to topics where real and alleged "white racism" was discussed) and I've pointed out the relative ratio of benevolence and openness of whites to other races, relative to the reverse, and have cited polls, articles and my own personal experiences in professional work and other interaction to back that up.
The only rebuttal you have to the facts I present are slanders of racism, when in truth you just choose to factlessly disagree.

I'd say most of my interactions with immigrants from everywhere in the world have been positive.

But I point out the cases --relative to illegal immigration and racism discussions-- where whites are basically guilty till proven innocent, and no one even wants to discuss racism toward whites. My aunt who died, by the way, was being leveraged out in the early 1990s by other university bureaucrats who wanted to fully Mexicanize the staff, and did so by cutting funding for her department. Rather than whine about it, she created a computer education program and saved her job by making a lateral move that annoyed the Mexican racists who wanted eliminate her just because she was white, and lost the pretense to cut her loose.
I've discussed that one before too.

I see the very real possibility that Mexican immigration to the U.S. will result in the cultural separation and loss of the U.S. Southwest. What happened to Kosovo is what's happening to California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

I guess Serbia will have their revenge on us when they give diplomatic recognition to our Southwest when it secedes and declares itself either part of Mexico, or a new independent culturally Mexican state.

And I guess you think the Romans were racist for resenting the influx of Vandals and Visigoths, despite that within 30 years of the influx, they burned Rome to the ground and looted every corner of the empire.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.