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"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Pariah User Bow down to combaticus!
15000+ posts 09/27/11 05:17 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republician Racist Bake Sale

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah


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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, pretty much. When Pro is humiliated and busted on his apoplectic angry ranting, and fully broken, he can always try to walk it back later, that he was "just kidding" and "pulling my chain".

Yellow and cowardly indeed.

But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.

Wow, didn't even see this before I responded. Are you seriously mocking when I reach an olive branch out to you? You are some piece of work. Sad.

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brother from another mother
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...

This may be the longest post ever on any message ever.

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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He asked for a response. I gave him a full one.

He's probably scrambling for his FauxNews bookmarks even as we speak...

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Oh HERE we go...

Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 3 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...


Your infantile taunts and insults all bypass the points I made, and just manifest your inability to factually defend your views.

Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

All Republicans are "hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money".
Nothing irrational or intolerant in that apoplectic hate-filled assessment, is there?

I just want to preserve what you posted here, so you can't edit it later to appear less apoplectic and intolerant than it truly is.

I'll only comment on the gay soldier's debate question at the end of you apoplectic rant. I saw a few minutes of Megyn Kelly today. She was at the debate, in the audience. She said there were two people --two!-- in an audience of about 5,000 who booed the question. And she came to the same conclusions I did almost a week ago: 1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion, 2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate, and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question, they simply expressed their strong disagreement with the premise of the question.

The fact that you have to disagree in the viciously slanderous, personally insulting, and utterly intolerant way you have, in your above quoted text here, and continuously in many other foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic posts, manifests your own bigotry and intolerance, not mine.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, pretty much. When Pro is humiliated and busted on his apoplectic angry ranting, and fully broken, he can always try to walk it back later, that he was "just kidding" and "pulling my chain".

Yellow and cowardly indeed.

But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.

Wow, didn't even see this before I responded. Are you seriously mocking when I reach an olive branch out to you? You are some piece of work. Sad.

"Olive branch"?!?

The vitriol I just quoted is an "olive branch"?

You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.

Broken beyond belief.

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He asked for a response. I gave him a full one.

He's probably scrambling for his FauxNews bookmarks even as we speak...

Last time I checked, Gallup, the Associated Press, and PBS News Hour weren't affiliates of Fox News.

Broken again.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Your infantile taunts and insults all bypass the points I made, and just manifest your inability to factually defend your views.

I gave you a point-to-point response, and you have nothing to reply. I caught you unaware and speechless. Noted. Thanks for playing. That was your only chance.

All Republicans are "hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money".
Nothing or irrational or intolerant in that apoplectic hate-filled assessment, is there?

Nope. Just facts. Ask around. Do some research other than Right Wing websites. You'll see. Or, knowing you, you won't. Whatever. Reality stays the same no matter your denials.

I just want to preserve what you posted here, so you can't edit it later to appear less apoplectic and intolerant than it truly is.

Your imagination grows daily. Because, I am such a known "editor" of posts. Good thing you captured the moment for all of your fictional audience to see. Good job.

Oh, and you used the word "apoplectic" wrong. Twice. Stick with what you know.

I'll only comment on the gay soldier's debate question at the end of you apoplectic rant.

Three times.

And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

I saw a few minutes of Megyn Kelly today. She was at the debate, in the audience. She said there were two people --two!-- in an audience of about 5,000 who booed the question.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

And she came to the same conclusions I did almost a week ago:

Wait, agree with the Rightwing anchor? I'm....I'm shocked!

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

The fact that you have to disagree in the viciously slanderous, personally insulting, and utterly intolerant way you have, in your above quoted text here, and continuously in many other foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic posts, manifests your own bigotry and intolerance, not mine.

Four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means. Oh, and stop crying like a little bitch. Sympathy points only count on a playground...

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

It's posts like that why people laugh at you, David. If you act comparable to this in real life, I imagine you probably as bitter as Rex. Hell, if you two weren't always fighting, I'd almost guess you were his Alt at times... \:lol\:

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You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.


Last edited by iggy; 2011-09-28 2:25 AM.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro. You're "pulling chains." You're a master manipulator. Everything you post is just an example of your ingenious social conducting......after you get called out on your bullshit.

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I think the only difference between this latest post of yours and your last attempt to be "intelligent and mature" by extending an "olive branch" is that you were careful not to let your racism show (see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.


I notified the feds about Pro's inevitable shooting spree. I'm sure they'll be kicking down his front door any moment now. You better get to flushing that grass now,Pro.

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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When Pro goes to jail, I get dibs on the wife.

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I'm glad Joe Mama never visits the politics forum. I called dibs first!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
(see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation. Anyone with a brain...a real sense of mature intelligence...can determine whatever they like from my posts. Those with hatred and bias in their heart see the ugly in themselves, and try and project it back. You should let go of your racism. I'm sure it's inherent for your 'Brother in Arms' to want to kill a few 'brown people'. But, try and resist. You'll find respecting life and having love in your heart make all the difference. You had a rough childhood. Okay, so what? Many have. Get over it and grow up, kid. We all lose loved ones. We all lose parents. Taking it out on the rest of the world for the rest of your life will never bring you peace.

In the end, I feel sorry for you. But, not to any real great degree. You're just another ignorant lump in the machine of human stupidity. I hope pushing pencils for the clerk's office brings you satisfaction, and time to create more fiction about your life for the internet. Invaded Columbia lately? \:lol\:

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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm glad Joe Mama never visits the politics forum. I called dibs first!

\:lol\: He'll kill you! And Lothar? I'll smoke it all before the first axe blade hits the door...

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Oh, and you used the word "apoplectic" wrong.


ap·o·plex·y   /ˈæpəˌplɛksi/ Show Spelled[ap-uh-plek-see] noun Pathology .

1. stroke ( def. 6 ) .2. a sudden, usually marked loss of bodily function due to rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel.

Quite the opposite of incorrect, it's a perfect description of your reaction every time I make a post here.
You're paralyzed and crippled by your irrational hate for conservative viewpoints. And over and over, you become completely unhinged when someone merely disagrees with you.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Quite the opposite of incorrect, it's a perfect description of your reaction every time I make a post here.
You're paralyzed and crippled by your irrational hate for conservative viewpoints. And over and over, you become completely unhinged when someone merely disagrees with you.

\:lol\: Oh, David. I'm not the one that goes apeshit with the BOLD CAPS, David. Stop trying to ignore that aspect yourself. If it embarrasses you, then work on it. But, don't play like it doesn't exist. That's unhealthy.

Oh, and I noticed you didn't respond to my response. You know, the one you always beg for? So, feel free to respond when you get a moment. If you can. If you can't deny anything I posted, then I understand. I don't see how you could, really, since it's all facts. But, knowing you, you'll find a way!


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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
(see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation. Anyone with a brain...a real sense of mature intelligence...can determine whatever they like from my posts. Those with hatred and bias in their heart see the ugly in themselves, and try and project it back. You should let go of your racism. I'm sure it's inherent for your 'Brother in Arms' to want to kill a few 'brown people'. But, try and resist. You'll find respecting life and having love in your heart make all the difference. You had a rough childhood. Okay, so what? Many have. Get over it and grow up, kid. We all lose loved ones. We all lose parents. Taking it out on the rest of the world for the rest of your life will never bring you peace.

In the end, I feel sorry for you. But, not to any real great degree. You're just another ignorant lump in the machine of human stupidity. I hope pushing pencils for the clerk's office brings you satisfaction, and time to create more fiction about your life for the internet. Invaded Columbia lately? \:lol\:

Do you really think anyone here doesn't remember you calling Barack Obama a "nigger" in the Racist monkey e-mail topic?

Even members of your own clique called you on going over the top on that one. It's not "hatred and bias" it was your own words thrown back in your face, jackass.

And that part above about "killing brown people" is again your own vicious words thrown back at you, no one else's. (Despite your attempts to say it and pretend someone else was saying it and not you.)

And using one of Pariah's deceased parents as ammunition to again slanderously attack him is a new low, Pro, even for you.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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pro has a clique?


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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Do you really think anyone here doesn't remember you calling Barack Obama a "nigger" in the Racist monkey e-mail topic?

I am positive no one "remembers" that, Dave, since it only exists in yours and Pariah's world. If you want an informed opinion, send Knut or Bastard the link to the post and ask their opinion. See, they are black so they would be able to confirm or deny the intent. Since you seem to hold onto this fabrication with all of your small, petty heart, I doubt you will try either way.

Even members of your own clique called you on going over the top on that one.

Show me. Post it with a link. I want to see my "clique" call me out. Show me. Prove it right now. Who said anything at all to me about that? Besides you and Pariah, I mean.

And using one of Pariah's deceased parents as ammunition to again slanderously attack him is a new low, Pro, even for you.

I did no such thing, you ignorant redneck. David, try and read a book that's not Mein Kampf or Glenn Beck's autobiography sometimes, would you? Talking with you is like having to explain everything to a second-grader. Stop picking out what you only want to see, and start dealing with reality.

THIS is exactly why I don't usually waste my time posting any content with you. It's impossible to break through your skull of fucking crazy.

BTW, you didn't respond to my response....

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


Welcome brethren!

First Rule: Destroy All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Second Rule: Hate All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Third Rule: Don't you DARE think for yourself!! You are part if the Liberal Hive Mind Establishment! You all have jobs to do. Now, start planting the 'Blame-the-Right' evidence. I'll rewrite some history books to paint anglo-saxons in a bad light. I believe it was MEM's turn to push an Islamic Temple to be built somewhere 'Holy American'. Probably like NYC, Kentucky, or Western Virginia.

Go forth and perpetrate EVIL! \:lol\:

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!

Nah. Just Iggy.

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


Welcome brethren!

First Rule: Destroy All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Second Rule: Hate All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Third Rule: Don't you DARE think for yourself!! You are part if the Liberal Hive Mind Establishment! You all have jobs to do. Now, start planting the 'Blame-the-Right' evidence. I'll rewrite some history books to paint anglo-saxons in a bad light. I believe it was MEM's turn to push an Islamic Temple to be built somewhere 'Holy American'. Probably like NYC, Kentucky, or Western Virginia.

Go forth and perpetrate EVIL! \:lol\:

\:lol\: All hail Prometheus! Ceasar! Imperator! Overlord of all! \:lol\:

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation.

I don't have to quote it. Everyone already knows you said it. They're not gonna deny it.

And if they actually bother trying to do so, that not only means they're making a concession for you, but also that they've compromised their own integrity to do so.

Seriously, getting other people to deny your racism when there's proof positive of it simply for the sake of disagreeing with me is like the win of all motherfucking wins!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I don't have to quote it. Everyone already knows you said it. They're not gonna deny it.

Who? Where? Prove it.

And if they actually bother trying to do so, that not only means they're making a concession for you, but also that they've compromised their own integrity to do so.

So, what you've just admitted is that if anyone doesn't agree with you, then they're making "concessions" and have "compromised their own integrity". "Roger". ;\)

Seriously, getting other people to deny your racism when there's proof positive of it simply for the sake of disagreeing with me is like the win of all motherfucking wins!

Then, do it , man! Prove I'm a racist! Show the world the proof and win, win, win! It'll be your greatest victory yet!

So? Where's the proof? \:\)

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You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Then, do it , man! Prove I'm a racist! Show the world the proof and win, win, win! It'll be your greatest victory yet!

Indeed it is.

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Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:10 PM Reading a post
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: Is Pariah an inept fuckhead?

Rationalization for racism incoming...

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Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:13 PM Making a new reply
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Thread: Re: Hey, Pig Iran, Can We Now Get Rid of the Crazy 9-11 Conspiracy Bullshit?

Here it comes....

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