Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think your post does what your all about justice WB.

Taking liberal smear tactics, and throwing them right back in your face?

As I pointed out, when liberals did this with Jared Loughner, it was a blatant lie and smear. Loughner is described by those who know him as a "pothead liberal".

Zimmerman in contrast is as described: a registered Democrat, and half-white/half-hispanic.

I was demonstrating that if conservatives wanted to do the same in the mainstream press, they could, with devastating effect. Because that portrayal of Zimmerman is absolute truth. Whereas the same spin of Loughner was an absolute lie.

How do you feel about the conservative media on this story?

Just fine.

How do you feel about Al Sharpton hosting a rally, and then doing his daily program for MSNBC on the rally that he led!
Nice neutral objectivity.

How do you feel about liberals trying Zimmerman in the court of public opinion before the facts are known, and giving plenty of airtime to people screaming for Zimmerman's blood, offering a million-dollar bounty for his hide, and otherwise giving a platform and sympathy to those calling for lawless vengeance?

Classic liberal race-baiting, divisive partisan rhetoric, that can only obstruct the actual investigation. Yet another example of how liberals would destroy the country itself just to score a few cheap political points and short-term gain.

Liberals like to portray conservatives as a racist lynch mob.

But it's the Democrats and liberal media who are calling for lawless payback against Trayvon Martin's "white" assailant. And when the media are forced to honestly revise Zimmerman's true ethnic background, the New York Times on down revises Zimmerman's description to "white hispanic".

As Bernard Goldberg said with perfect humor and sarcasm: "I guarantee you that if Zimmerman had won the Nobel prize for science, the New York Times would not describe him as "white hispanic".


This brings back memories of how Obama was winning state primaries, and then Hillary Clinton started winning primaries in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. For which the liberal media labelled these states as ignorant and "racist" for not selecting the Annointed One. And Obama made his infamous remark about blue collar white Americans "clinging to their guns and religion."

But when Hillary won again in Peurto Rico, somehow hispanics weren't subjected to the same ignorant and racist labels. Because liberals are only comfortable labelling whites as racist.
It's a one-way street, no matter how blatant and vile the minority racism directed at whites.

And white liberals are only too happy to give this anti-white vileness a free pass, so long as it advances the liberal cause against Republicans.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.