Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, that cartoon that Dave is trying to pass off as Huffington Post is actually from http://reasonradionetwork.com/, a Rightwing nutjob base. Objectivity, as ever, is WB's specialty.... \:lol\:


It's a political cartoon.

And you're the one that shot off his mouth and called me a dumbass, when I wasn't even talking about YOUR post. So, suck it Lothar.

You were talking about the article I linked, and you alleged it was Fox News, when it was clearly HuffingtonPost.

Who's the dumbass?

Your insults and allegations of "white racist" motivation fly in clear opposition to the facts.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.