Man, I was just reading this little piece on the Juror who spoke out on Anderson Cooper's CNN program (anonymously) and was criticized by 4 of the 5 other jurors (anonymously).

And below is a menu with the article of other topics related to the Zimmerman trial...

Catch up on this story:
  • Star witness 'disappointed, upset, angry' about verdict

    Martin family may file civil trial

    Justice Department to re-open probe of Trayvon Martin shooting death

    Obama calls for calm reflection from Americans

    Gun given back to Zimmerman after trial ends

    Zimmerman is acquitted in Trayvon Martin killing

    Jury finds Zimmerman not guilty on all charges

    Jurors ask judge for clarification during final deliberations

    Prosecutor depicts Zimmerman as angry vigilante during closing arguments

    Defense rests without Zimmerman taking the stand

    Expert says evidence jibes with Zimmerman's story

    Trayvon Martin's father takes the stand

    Prosecution asks judge to block animated reenactment of Zimmerman and Martin's confrontation

    Defense attorney's daughter caught in Instagram controversy

    For more stories tagged 'George Zimmerman' or 'Trayvon Martin' click here

...that gives some idea how dominant and pervasive this story has become, and how many avenues there are to explore.

Would that the media gave similar pervasive coverage to stories that more directly impact the nation, such as the federal deficit, offshoring of jobs, the failing Obamacare plan, Obama's failed economic policies that threaten to collapse the dollar, the exploding federal debt, Obama's undermining border security, illegal immigration, the bipartisan deceitful push for amnesty, the IRS essentially rigging the 2012 election, NSA surveilance over-reach and loss of freedom, the potential for a second real estate collapse, and other issues that truly impact us and are not manufactured, as Zimmerman's "white hispanic" racist profiling was.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.