March 29, 2013
by Derrick Hollenbeck

Take a minute and try to imagine what would happen in this country if the following scenario had taken place:

A report describes how in broad daylight two white teenage boys tried to rob a black Brunswick, Georgia woman at gunpoint as she was peacefully pushing her 13 month old son in his stroller. When she resisted, pleading “I don’t have any money,” they callously shot and killed the baby.

The gun did not “go off by accident.” The white thug meant to shoot the black woman and did just that, hitting her twice, THEN turned the gun on the baby. A white thug calmly walked over to the stroller and shot the innocent black baby in the face.

Putting aside her own pain and fear, the loving black mother desperately tried to save her baby’s life by giving him CPR; but the helpless innocent child, shot in the face by a white assailant, died anyway.

We don’t have to imagine how the media would cover this story because unfortunately, except for the race of the killers and their victims which have been reversed, everything else in this scenario is true and actually happened.

Is there any doubt that if the killers were white, the New York Times would change its masthead to read “WHITES HATE AFRICAN AMERICANS ENOUGH TO KILL THEIR BABIES!” and keep it that way for two weeks? Where is the righteous indignation of the white media in this revolting black adult-on-white baby murder? Where are the stories reminding readers that the New Black Panthers have consistently called for murdering white babies?

Is there any doubt that there would be wide brush accusations about white racial hatred coupled with calls for more affirmative action and slave reparations?

Where are the professionally aggrieved Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Jackson to descend on Brunswick chanting tired slogans about racism and the KKK. Sharpton is too busy making a fool of himself on his talk show to raise a voice in this case – the baby is white, after all. Neither of them has dredged up images of 80-year-old lynchings and beatings while beating his breast crying for “more gun control” to keep blacks safe from whites.

And the media? Its answer is: “We don’t cover black-on-white crime even when the victim is a baby – get over it.”

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.