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So, yet more emails have been released, and 4/8chan's autists have scrounged them for goodies. Aside from finding yet more coded speak and blatant language alluding to organized pedophile sex rings, they have found yet more evidence that Hillary has cultivated a community of Satanists in the highest echelons of government. In this particular instance, this Satanic culture is characterized by John Podesta attending a Spirit Cooking. Before I get further into that however, and the larger implications of what's being revealed through these documents, I would like to preface our hellish scenario involving occult behavior with a description of what's currently going on in South Korea.

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Accompanying articles:

Choi Sun Sil has, by this point, surfaced and been subject to mob assaults. But as the number in the name "8 goddesses" suggests, she is not the only person who is--quite literally--subject to this witch hunt. It should be noted that this big reveal of a long rumored cabal was prefaced by an emerging feminazi culture that apparently makes our own SJW phenomenon in the West look like mere peanuts by comparison.

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Without doubt, this culture was incubated and engineered within the social matrices developed and funded by this shamanistic cabal through Park's position, thus turning an already matriarchal society into an ultra man-hating haven on crack. People have also drawn connections between their cultist belief system and the Sewol Ferry sinking, going so far as to imply that it was sunk on purpose for the sake of ritualistic sacrifice. To top it all off, this group has ties to fucking George Soros--and even the Rothschild name has been floating around the Sewol incident.

Archived thread with some useful data if anyone's interested in learning more:

Bearing all of these details in mind. All of their disgusting, insidious, tyrannical, nightmarish mind-fuckery was never supposed to be exposed and no one would have EVER been totally convinced of what was going on due to the levels of tinfoil hattery involved in the pursuit of exposing the truth. But now, things will never be so clear-cut ever again--in Korea or anywhere else. Especially not after what they found in Podesta's emails.

Before that however, a brief mention of Guccifer, the hacker who's exploits initially exposed the Clinton email server. After he was caught, he wrote a letter to Fox News. Some excerpts:

  • Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this ocult, (sic) satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt motive to understand what I am talking about...

    ...Though I know I invested a great deal of time and effort trying to expose the crimes of the Rockefellers, the Bush Klan (sic) the Clinton, and many others, maybe my skills were NOT matching my faith...

    ...So I apologize in front of the unknown soldiers who struggle to take this fight against these monsters to a glorious end. Many of ‘em are risking their lives, while doing this behind the computer screens, from inside or outside the system.

Many people have always been willing to concede that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt harpy, but there's always been a sharp distinction between the general cultural perception of corrupt politicians and the infinitely more outrageous charges of cult behavior. So it was easy for the mainstream to write off Guccifer as a nut bag. And I'm sure they still do. 'Cuz they're mainstream.

More recently, you might have read up on this little nugget of information released by the FBI on a FOIA request:

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"There was a very powerful group of high-ranking state officials that some referred to as the '7th Floor Group' or the 'Shadow Government'."

A "shadow government", by virtue of its tight-nit concealment, must always be recognized as a cult organization at it's very core. With its isolation having generated its own culture, belief systems, and agenda, a cult--by its very secretive nature--will eschew the practices and beliefs of the common man, and its members will bind themselves together using rituals that would be condemned by the larger society, so as to both insure loyalty through blackmail and increase fanaticism through repetition of these perverse rituals.

To lend some context to the issues of secret societies and the US Government, the most relevant--and infamous--case that comes to mind is Lawrence E. King and the Franklin scandel:

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To summarize, Larry King was an up and coming star in the Republican party who had helped run the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union out of Omaha, Nebraska. He was officially charged with embezzlement of forty million dollars and put away for fifteen to twenty years, and that's all that most people would have ever heard about it. What wasn't widely spoken of--because it was suppressed by alphabet soup organizations such as the FBI--was that he was accused by multiple witnesses of hosting parties for extremely high ranking politicians that featured child rape and exploitation. Most of the children were provided by the nearby Boys Town, three of whom were the ones who initially came forward to testify against him and ultimately blow the lid on a larger sex-trafficking ring within the government itself. The big reveal never panned out because uniforms, prosecutors, and federal agents all played the part of henchmen and intimidated the witnesses into silence. Furthermore, other people that were investigating the pedophile ring turned up dead of mysterious circumstances. The second YT video was a documentary that was supposed to air on the Discovery Channel in 94, but it was yanked due to pressure put upon the station by politicians.

The third YT video talks about Johnny Gosch, who was allegedly circulated with the same kids who were forced to attend those parties. He was abducted at age twelve in 1982 while working a paper route before he was sold off into prostitution. What stands out about Gosch is what happened so many years afterwards. According to his mother, he showed up at her doorstep at age 27 with a mysterious man shadowing his every move, giving him permission to say certain things to his mother. He's clearly beholden to this man and whatever organization he belongs to. Years later, people start putting more pieces together. Anyone remember Jeff Gannon?

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Abduction, induction, indoctrination, and eventual complicity all perpetrated through, and reinforced by, esoterically ritualistic behavior.

If anyone's been paying attention, I've been posting quite a few screencaps from /pol/ lately. One that's been particularly attention-grabbing over the past four months was the post made by FBIAnon. In these posts, he covers many topics regarding Hillary, Trump, and the Clinton Foundation. He also covers human-trafficking and alleges that the CF is guilty of it.

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Towards the end: "Sex rings are popular in all governments. But pedophilia is primarily in British parliament and Saudi Arabia, and that's why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you."

It's an allegation, to be certain. But after all that's happened, he's batting 9/10, and the FBI has apparently found quite a bit more than just pictures of one fifteen year old on Weiner's computer. The indication is that it accesses, as a device, a larger network of organized pedophilia.

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Now that we've a) established the occultist nature of all cabals, b) confirmed their presence in high level government positions in first world countries such as South Korea, c) shed light on past situations that implicate the US government as being subject to cabal behavior, and d) reiterated the fact that the FBI themselves suspect--and probably have unreleased evidence of--the existence of these cabals, we can finally cover John Podesta.

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To Top it off, Marina Abramovic invites him to a spirit cooking (Satanic ritual) dinner.

And, of course, we cannot neglect to mention that Hillary Clinton's emails divulge that Clinton, herself, would "sacrifice a chicken to Moloch". If questions were put to her regarding this email, she would certainly claim it to be a joke, but keep in mind that Moloch--a dualistic Jewish deity--is known to less than 5% of the US population. If it was indeed a joke, it was esoteric to the point of being non-sequitur.

These are the people who maintain and write our laws. And where there's smoke, there's fire. Podesta, Weiner, the Clintons--just a few of many. And ritual binds them all together.

Steve Pieczenik and Anonymous. If the latter is to be believed, the mother of all bombs is going to be dropped tomorrow: the Bill Clinton rape video made by Epstein, and obtained by Israel.

Last edited by Pariah; 2016-11-04 9:05 PM.
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Man, that's a hell of a lot to digest.
Particularly in a single post.

I still don't understand why all these government leaders worldwide are having sex with boys (abducted or otherwise). As best I can comprehend it, having sex with boys for Bill Clinton, the Brits, the Saudis and others, is part of an initiation to join their secret globalist Shadow Group cabal.

Likewise, participating in Marina Abramovic's satanic rituals, drinking menstrual blood and semen in the ceremony, is also a requirement to join the club.
Or are Clinton and these others all pedophiles, and providing this stuff is something they eagerly participate in, and the Shadow Group offers these rituals just so they can videotape Bill Clinton and others and blackmail them to do the Shadow Group's bidding later?

As best I can understand it. Or are they all pedophiles and Satanists from the outset? I think any sane person would say "thanks but no thanks" to any of these offered activities.

Regardless, what you post goes in a lot of directions, and I don't see the unifying thread that weaves all the pedophilia, satanic rituals, and other elements together, amid a plot for the Clintons to leverage a Shadow Government takeover of the United States to reign it into a global system. I see the random bits and pieces, but the total picture of how it all comes together and the motives for participating in it are rather muddy.

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Trying to give you the whole picture would take way too fucking long. I've been reading and posting in these threads on /pol/ for months now, and I still don't have all the information.

Some shit I've simply decided to remain silent on for a plethora of reasons:

First among them being that their shear outrageous scope of execution is generally unconvincing since we're trained from cradle to grave into believing that conspiracy theories cannot be believed under any circumstances--regardless of the indicators. This particular mindset in the US is an artifact from the Cold War when McCarthy, Dies, and Hoover were all tightening the screws on the communist movement, and its hundreds of spies, in the US. Communist influenced media and political outlets chanted in unison that the allegations were baseless fear-mongering. Trumbo and friends even went so far as to turn McCarthy into a pejorative so as to nullify the validity of his claims--which all turned out to be true. Regardless of that truth however, the term "McCarthyism" is still a part of our culture and is still considered a stain upon conservative politics.

Next is the issue of taboo. Even if you get past the problem and incredulity of a massive conspiratorial scope, you're still faced with a neigh-insurmountable roadblock characterized by colloquially protected social groups. I can talk all day about the Freemasons and only suffer the risk of being called a kook. But if I utter even one word about Zionism and Loxism, then I may very well be labeled an anti-semite and lose my job or any number of things. Supposing for a moment you wanted to control and engineer the movement of the world, the best way to do it is behind a veil of secrecy and invincibility. "Secrecy" in the sense that people can't see what you're doing since your connections and dealings are so vast that an observer can't see the forest for the trees (see also: Rothschilds and Soros), and "invincibility" in the sense that you're a part of a race of people who are mass-perceived to be history's most persecuted social group, and therefore impervious to mainstream criticism.

Finally, there's the simple fact that it breaks your brain. Since I'm younger, it's easier for me to compute all of this--although it took me months before I was finally sold on it. I've noticed however, that if I try and breech this subject with people from the boomer era, they demonstrate an invincible ignorance that's so irritating that it's almost impressive. My parents now simply refuse to listen when I start talking about the first two World Wars.

As far as the ritualistic behavior is concerned, you're absolutely correct: a lot of these people, who are now neck deep in these cabals, probably never wanted to participate in pedophilia, but were ultimately leveraged into doing so. If you watched Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, he makes note of the fact that Bill and Hillary weren't necessarily evil or even bad people before they were exposed to this culture. Hillary was exposed to Alinsky--who was an avowed fan of Lucifer--and suffered a fractured morality as a result. She then scouted Bill, and baited him into following her ambitions into the larger evil. Odds are that neither of them brought principles of fornication and deviancy with them into the political world (well, maybe Bill). But they found out that-that's how the game was played and were morally compromised to the point that they were willing to participate, eventually developing a taste for it. In the Bible, Paul referred to this as the "seduction of iniquity" or, depending on the translation, "mystery of iniquity". It drags you in and you become something else. And this is exactly what the larger cabal structure wants.

"Iniquity" is a Masonic principle that is used to gain knowledge and enlightenment. But keep in mind that the Freemasons were also subverted and bought out by Zionists such as the Rothschilds. So it's also a Talmudic doctrine. As such, there is core group of people who believe in the spiritually relevant aspects of these rituals at the outset but also convert people en masse as well.

Trust me Dave, I've been wanting to go into detail about what I've learned for a while now. I've been struggling to think of a way to phrase it so as to best communicate it to my beloved normie messageboard, but it is so ridiculously complicated and controversial that I've been hindered by indecision every time I made the attempt. Luckily for me, Podesta and Hillary's true colors have been exposed, so it made it easier to break this ice with this thread.

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Also, another email:

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An infograph giving a comprehensive overview of Podesta's pedo emails, his pedo associates, and the enigmatic "Comet Ping Pong Pizza" business based in DC--which is owner by David Brock's ex-boyfriend.

The image is pretty large and I can't get it to upload to imgur. I suggest downloading it since it may not be up for longer than a few days.

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More nightmarish things have been discovered with regards to Podesta and Hillary's Sex-Trafficking ring within the CF. To tell you the truth though, I'm actually kind of afraid to post it. A real life Eyes Wide Shut story has been revealed surrounding Bill, and those are the kind of stories that get you suicided. For now though, something more mainstream.

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8.c.h.a.n and 4.c.h.a.n have been working overtime and the autists have found a shit ton. Still kinda scared to post it because I don't like the idea of search engines leading here, but here's a normie friendly video that truncates the findings adequately:

Think this is scary? It gets A LOT fucking scarier.

r/The_Donald breakdown of the Podesta-tied network.

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This is the fucking world we live in.

While we slept, they were building a massive machine that devours children.

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This one is a long one devoted specifically to Epstein and the island Timeline:

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The pastebin link at the bottom of the image also leads to an impressive repository on their research covering high profile pedophile cases. The Finders documentation particularly spooky.

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The juicy bit starts at the two minute point.

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I'd post all of the JimmyCommet Instagram photos just to demonstrate the amount of symbolism and innuendo these fuckers employ to both relay and conceal their pedo behavior (just about every single one of them crops pictures of a children either suggestively or evocatively) but they're so sickening that I don't dare post them here. Suffice it say, there are quite a few where he snapshots children eating pizza, and everyone commenting is perfectly aware of the real meaning. And there's one cropped photo in there that might even be actual CP. Here are the few relevant ones that are fit for consumption however:

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As people may recall, Hilldawg's emails had her making an extraordinarily esoteric reference to Moloch. She said she'd "sacrifice a chicken" to him....

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Amanda Kleinman is, herself, a real piece of work. I suspect that she (he?) was molested as a child and was groomed to carry on this culture and lifestyle within the cultist cabal social circles.

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If you watch her videos on YT, she actually refers to this Changeling as a "puppet" and she speaks in the third person without the voice modulator.

Now if you look back at David Flintstone's CouchSurfing profile, he lists his profession as a "puppeteer". I'm thinking this is yet another pedo codeword that's used more intimately among these communities.

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-Soros Connection to Comet Ping Pong.
-James Alephantis connection to Podesta via emails.
-John and Tony Podesta possible abductors behind the disappearance of Madeleine Macann (iffy, but interesting).

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Yet more dual meaning. The implications of the last one are fucking horrifying.

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Here's some more background on the cult history involving the deities they've mentioned:

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4chan and r/The_Donald are censoring the shit out of this. Correct the Record is spamming 4chan with fake news stories to increase distraction. Wikileaks DDOSing is at unprecedented levels.

They were responsible for the abduction of Madeleine McCann.

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r/The_Donald is now attempting to make Comet Ping Pong mainstream

The individual I have mentioned is one James Achilles Alefantis. Mr. Alefantis is the owner of the Washington DC pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong. There are disturbing indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some form of pedophile ring that involves quite a few public figures in Washington D.C. It would appear that he is the "Achilles heel" for all these people of stature.

Since the investigation began, Mr. Alefantis has deleted many of his posts and set his social media to private. We have archived the entirety of his online presence however. Links posted here are both archives and screenshots I took while helping to investigate.

First I will discuss Alefantis’ links to powerful people, then outline the preponderance of evidence that he is a pedophile and uses Comet Ping Pong as a front for his sex trafficking ring.

I. Connections between Power Brokers and Alefantis

David Brock, director of Correct the Record

James Alefantis is the owner of pizza joint Comet Ping Pong, he is the romantic partner of former CTR director David Brock. Here is a link confirming this and showing them caught up with another individual in some kind of blackmail love triangle:

Here is a photo of Brock on Alefantis' Instagram:

Hillary Clinton

Here is a letter Alefantis posted from Hillary thanking him for helping with a fundraiser that involved the Podestas:

An FEC search also shows payments made to Alefantis from the Clinton Campaign and pro Clinton PACS

Barack Obama

Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing Obama playing ping pong with a young boy:

Obama has also been identified in the Wikileaks Podesta dump as having held phone banks at Comet Ping Pong's location:

Alefantis is also listed in White House records as having visited a few times:

George Soros

Yes, George Soros even is involved with this pizza parlor. He is listed as a major donor to the American Bridge 21st Century PAC:

This PAC is on record with the FEC as having made several donations to Comet Ping Pong:

Marina Abramovic

Alefantis appears to have some form of relationship to spirit cooking "artist" Marina Abramovic as he references her in his instagram:

He also posted a photo which appears to possibly make a Moloch reference:


Here is Alefantis posting a photo of Tony Podestas house:

You may remember this "Arch of Agony" statue from the house of Tony Podesta, as seen in this Washington Post article:

Keep in mind that this house contains art showing child abuse by Biljana Djurdjevic:

II. Implications James Alefantis is running a pedophile ring out of Comet Ping Pong

A. Sexual references made in Comet Ping Pong and by Alefantis online

First. Comet Ping Pong advertises itself as a "family place for parents and their kids"

This website here shows that a reviewer mentioned the presence of hidden doors in the establishment (it also revealed that the Food Network show host Guy Fieri has done an episode there). Link and screenshot of relevant portion here:

The Washington Post has also run a story revealing that Comet Ping Pong has been accused by a Washington Neighborhood Commissioner of being a "haven for rape and murder:"

Despite it's claim to be "family friendly" the restaurant has a number of disturbing sexual references inside and James Alefantis makes a number of references to pedophelia both overtly and implicitly online. Alefantis actually posted a photo of an “art” photo piece which appears to show a man vaginally penetrating what could be an underage girl. I have decided not to share it here but it has been archived. He has since deleted the photo.

EDIT: People suggested I post an edited version of the photo. Here it is, with all NSFW parts removed:

EDIT: users saying this actually might is a self portrait of the artist and his pornstar wife. But I still think it's inappropriate that the owner of a "kid friendly" establishment was posting hardcore pornography to his Instagram at the very least.

Here is a photo showing the inside of Comet Ping Pong where graffiti saying “shut up and fuck” and “Amen” are clearly visible:

He posted a disturbing image of a little girl taped down to a table in Comet Ping Pong:

He joked about purchasing infants:

Here he posted a photo featuring a man wearing a shirt that says “I love children” in French:

Here he reference a “boom boom room” which sounds disturbingly like a play on the phrase “boom boom” used by foreign prostitutes to describe sex:

More on the above photo:

A photo showing children engaged in some strange ceremony or ritual:

Another odd photo someone tagged at Comet Ping Pong:

Here Alefantis posted a photo of a man with a yellow bead necklace around the head of a young boy. A quick search reveals yellow sex bracelets imply analingus, and the hashtag #chickenlovers in the instagram post is a pedophile reference to adult men who are attracted to underage boys. Links below:

B. References to pizza in a was that is either sexual or involved children

Alefantis and others clearly use the term “pizza” to allude, at the very least to sex (I believe it to mean sex with minors). Here are a number of references from Alefantis and others tagged at Comet Ping Pong making sexual innuendos about pizza and children:

C. Innuendos to systematic child abuse and trafficking

Comet Ping Pong’s posters for the “concerts” played at their venue show references to abuse and pedophilia.

Here is an poster which may refer to the out of body experience children have when experiencing extreme abuse:

Here is one showing a band called the “Lolitas” played at Comet Ping Pong:

More disturbingly Alefantis has posted a number of photos showing very suspicious rooms, construction of underground chambers and openly joked about “filling them” with his friends on Instagram.

Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing men digging a hole. Him and his friends joke about “filling it” and a commenter claims his hole has “been full for quite some time now.” They also joke about doing a “line up” at the hole in the near future.

Another photo he posted appears to shows a large freezer, which could appear to be a location used for some kind of imprisonment or torture. Commenters on the photo joke “rinse it off when you’re done” and “kill room.”

The man who commented “kill room” on the above photo has a number of images on his Instagram appearing to show he makes child sized coffins:

Here is a disturbing Wikileaks email where a "torture chamber" is referenced:

Finally, people have noticed that pro-Hillary groups own ALL the properties on the block where Comet Ping Pong is located.

As noted in the previous picture, some of the company logos of nearby groups who have offices near Comet Ping Pong look similar to known images used by pedophiles as per this FBI document:

What can we do about this?

It seems fairly likely that the DC police and FBI will not do anything about this situation. Raise public awareness! Our best tool to combat the people in power on this issue is to build publicity until the public demands a change. Get the word out!

Credits to all the anons on /pol/ who have been working around the clock on this, as well as our own nimble navigators, especially /u/dota2_scrub who found the Soros/Obama documentation.

EDIT: /u/omfgzlolz has pointed out that "ping ponging" is sexual slang for a threesome.

EDIT 2: A NEW LEAD shows that James Alefantis' sister, Susan Alefantis wrote a letter in support of a teacher who was convicted of molesting 5 girls:

Here is an article on the abuser:

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Another pedo reveals herself.

Recall the triangular and heart-shaped spiral formation jewelry and logos signifying fellow pedophiles. Tara McGuinness, Vice President of CAP interacted with John Podesta via email, as shown by Wikileaks. Take a look at what she just posted on Twitter:

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Notice the logo at the bottom of the image.

Signaling a delivery perhaps?

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So apparently Twitter mods have been accommodating accounts that host CP en masse. And people who've been reporting their existence and collusion with the Twitter execs are getting banned. I'm obviously not going to post the Twitter accounts, but here's the current thread if anyone cares:

(Use a VPN)
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If I understand it right, it was the investigation into PizzaGate that caused autists to trip over this. Not certain how it's connected, but it definitely meshes with the pedophile elites motif.

This is the only site the story has hit thusfar. Odds are, mainstream won't touch it for a while if at all. So you'll have to settle for the DailyStar:

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Breaking radio silence to give an update on this issue.

There have actually been quite a few updates and developments over the past three months, but I've been unable to give them any attention. But I had to take some time to post this little snippet of information.

Recently, on 8chan, someone posted a link to a weird "performance art" site (the Ambramovic definition of the phrase) called WorldCorpo with a lot of bizarre and unsettling videos. They had originally posted them to YouTube years ago before they were taken down and forced to make their own site. One of the videos is called "Fatherhood"...

Observers have already made the connection between the shower doors and Comet Ping Pong.

As I said, this video has been around for years, but is only now getting attention. The suspicion is that the FBI knew about it long before we did, but couldn't do anything about it, and have only now posted it to take advantage of the PizzaGate meme and throw us a bone in the process.

I recommend reading the thread. There's more material (use a VPN).
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Thought Pariah would get a laugh out of this t-shirt.

Although 99% of the public probably wouldn't get the joke, and assume you're an actual Satanist.

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To fully make the joke, it should be a little girl modeling the t-shirt.


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Pizzagate is a debunked[2][3][4] conspiracy theory that emerged and went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. In the fall of 2016, the personal email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, was hacked in a spear-phishing attack and his emails were made public by WikiLeaks. Proponents of the Pizzagate theory falsely claimed that the emails contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with an alleged child-sex ring.[5][6] The theory has been extensively discredited by a wide array of organizations, including the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.[3][4][7]

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Giving an overview of the Pizzagate scandal, with clarity and a bit of humor:

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"Tony P" = Tony Podesta

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Innocent people really suffered a lot of abuse and death threats from this. Guess I don't find it humorous

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As the guy in the YouTube video said, their behavior is creepy at best. I'd say they deserved the abuse.

Bill Clinton's multiple trips to pedophile island certainly doesn't sound innocent.

And John Podesta is the Cultural Marxist propagandist who created the "Russia collusion" narrative about the Trump administration, deviously turning the tables on Republicans, to hide the fact that Democrats for over 50 years have been weak at least and usually treasonous regarding Russia and communism, and the Clintons/Obamas and their staff in particular are all Leftist radicals . So Podesta as well is in no position to complain about false accusations directed his way.

They may not be blood and menstrual drinking Satanist child murderers, but they sure aren't the usual folks next door. Weirdo perverts at the very least.
Although he does allow in the video that for most of them, the symbols COULD be innocent for many cited and just coincidentally using the symbols that are well known common code for networking child molesters. But hey, really, what are the odds of a coincidence like that?

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Oh I'm sure you've rationalized the bat shit crazy but you know darn well that the employees, customers and owner are not Clinton & Podesta. Trump is connected to "pedophile island" Epstein too by the way.

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I don't fault people who innocently work there. I do fault the people who openly use the known pedophile code symbols. And discuss it creepily on Facebook and so forth. I wouldn't call them "innocent".

As I recall reading, Trump met Clinton's pal and traveled on a plane with him ONCE, saw what the guy was about, and never associated with him again.
As compared to Clinton and others, who went to the island regularly. Who was that Senator from New Jersey? Menendes? Last I heard there was a mis-trial and they were re-trying him.

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You recall incorrectly and also going along with what you said about people using symbols, Trump has gushed about Epstein along with recognizing he likes them young.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You recall incorrectly and also going along with what you said about people using symbols, Trump has gushed about Epstein along with recognizing he likes them young.

"The Young Turks"? Really? Could you have possibly picked a less reputable source? They took one sentence by Trump out of context regarding Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has similarly said things about Bill and Hillary Clinton after a bitter 2016 election, being gracious at his inauguration that "they're good people". But I think most people can see Trump was throwing a bone of dignity to the 2016 election losers.

Similarly, Trump took heat for saying nice things in the last week about Kim Jong Un, in the wake of his letting 3 American prisoners free, and preceding their summit in about 6 weeks. But again, one can see that Trump doesn't think Jong Un is a great guy, he's just finessing his way into negotiations to rid the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons. And one conservative pundit said if Trump can pull that off, he should heap all kinds of praise on Kim Jong Un to get the deal done: "Hey, that's a great suit you're wearing, I love your haircut. Hey I think you lost a little weight..." Whatever goodwill persuades North Korea to give up their nukes.

Likewise with Trump, I saw no context in the one-sentence Turks quote where Trump said Epstein was a great guy or whatever. As I quoted prior, Bill Clinton has made 26 trips to pedophile island. To my knowledge, Trump flew with Epstein once, and then quietly put some distance between him and Epstein. This could have been a quote based on what Trump knew shaking hands with him in a superficial meeting, or what he knew about Epstein by reputation through others, before they spent time together. Or Trump after spending a day with him may have disliked Epstein, but given Epstein superficial praise after meeting him so as not to start a blood feud with him in the press.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Innocent people really suffered a lot of abuse and death threats from this. Guess I don't find it humorous

Some threatening calls and comments on social media. One guy fired three shots in the Comet pizzeria but hurt no one, and went to jail for 4 years. Beyond threats, I didn't see where anyone was actually hurt.

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No problem using Young Turks if Hannity is acceptable for you. I believe the abuse, death threats and a shooting clearly cross into something not acceptable. You can certainly yuk it up but I think most people would disagree about it being funny.

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And Trump owns what he says and does as anybody else. He gushed about Epstein and even indicated he was aware of Epstein liking them young. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more there as we also know Trump is very good paying out hush money

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
No problem using Young Turks if Hannity is acceptable for you. I believe the abuse, death threats and a shooting clearly cross into something not acceptable. You can certainly yuk it up but I think most people would disagree about it being funny.

Hannity has more reputable guests. While Hannity may not be a journalist, he certainly has many on his program. We've had this conversation before. Sara Carter, Judith Miller, lawyers from Judicial Watch, all present solid evidence. On occasion even Bob Woodward or Pat Buchanan.

Whereas the slobs on Young Turks are pure partisans, and offer nothing but pure speculation and snark. And not even clever snark.

I already posted links that the Pizzagate story was widely discredited. But guys like John and Tony Podesta and the Clintons, who are in the business of slandering others, for decades, really have no moral high ground to complain when false allegations are directed back at them. THESE are people who have destroyed lives. I find it laughable for them to whine about how they've been wronged. They are in the "wronging" business, and do so more viciously than anyone else.

Even so, all they dealt with is a few threats, no actual violence, probably even the pizza place owners have suffered no decline in business. The publicity probably drew as much new traffic to their stores as was pushed away. When William Kennedy Smith allegedly met a girl as Au Bar in Palm Beach in 1990, my friends and I couldn't resist checking out the place that was on the national news every night.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And Trump owns what he says and does as anybody else. He gushed about Epstein and even indicated he was aware of Epstein liking them young. I wouldn't be surprised if there was more there as we also know Trump is very good paying out hush money

Trump knowing vaguely that Epstein "likes them young" isn't nearly the same as Trump knowing everything about Epstein's pedophilia, particularly at the point he made the one-sentence remark.

It's also not the same thing as Trump banging 14 year olds himself. And with the unprecedented media microscope on Trump, virtually every major network and major paper investigating Trump (in addition to the DOJ, FBI, and Meuller investigations, all on manufactured charges, while the same investigators ignore and give a free pass to the mountains of evidence against Hillary, Obama and the DNC), with all this, if there was the slightest whiff of pedophilia on Trump's part, CNN and MSNBC would be alleging it every 30 minutes in nonstop coverage.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.

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