Originally Posted By: iggy
Ummm...don't see one time where I claimed to be a Republican in all of that. Also, I stick by pretty much all of that. I've taken up much more of an effort to recontextualize Smith and laissez faire. I think the current misappropriation of Smith is the reason that there is such a growing dissatisfaction with "capitalism" as it moves towards an untenable Randian totality. Both sides are creating a growing number of unthinking goons to back systems that can't think the possibility of their failure and this is all going to end in a very literal civil war of some sort that I hope is relatively bloodless unless it is both sides mostly killing each other off.

The rise of Trumpublicanism is a validation of everything I have said, imo. It is a cult of personality movement that is no better than the Obamanauts that came before them. Don't care about their education level in a country where education means shit. They are toady and stupid like Obamanauts. They woke up to Trump being president and basically acted like all the improvements made under Obama didn't really hit until November 9, 2016. Seriously, the stock market was under 8000 when Obama took office and it was just under 20000 when he left. Over 18000 when the Donald was elected. You spent eight years trying to deny Obama any of that and now you are crowing about a 20% gain that started before Trump was even in office and reflects more of a hope of what venture capitalists think he will make it possible for them to do than anything major that he's done. And, the more he Barney Fife's himself, the more likely that good feeling is going to sour. And, lastly, okay...so he'd still win today. Who the fuck cares? I wouldn't change my vote to Hillary if we got a mulligan on this one and that is the scenario in which he gets reelected...one where he is up against damaged goods he's already beaten once.

Also, I read the NRO a lot more these days...for what it's worth. \:p

You also in that topic predicted that Democrats would win control of the Senate and Congress, which they didn't.

While you didn't TECHNICALLY say you were a Republican, you fronted that you were a conservative purist while saying Obama will be re-elected in 2012 and that was the better choice, and it wouldn't be so bad. Essentially no different for the economy than if Romney won. Obvious delusion, with nothing to back it up.

In contrast, in barely his first 6 months, Trump has achieved 2.6% growth, surpassing any quarter or entire year of Obama's 8-year term. Trump has also achieved the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years in that same short time. The last I saw, Trump also achieved an unprecedented 78% reduction in illegal border crossings/aprehensions, in (again) just his first 6 months.

Your tantrum about giving Trump credit for the stock market was petty and laughable. Yes, the Dow was at 18,000 on election day and rose considerably by January 20th. That is a liar's answer that tries to take away credit from Trump. >>>>OBVIOUSLY<<<<< the stock market rose from election day till Jan 20th precisely because of anticipation of the boost Trump would give to economic growth.

And today, Trump, in addition to other bold new restrictions on illegal immigration and sanctuary cities over the last 6 months, today announced a plan to eliminate chain migration and reduce legal immigration from 1.1 million a year to 550,000.
That is my "dream act" by a president!
Limit immigration so we don't have over a billion people in the U.S. by the year 2100. Roughly 50% of all the 7 billion people in the world in polls would come here if they could, and they can't all be allowed to come. We can help them in their own nations, we don't have to admit them here. And reducing the number of immigrants allows us to better track those we are admitting, particularly islamic jihadists and other criminal undesireables, and those who simply overstay their visas.

The only other addition to illegal immigration policy I'd like to see is that an amendment be made to the Constitution that ONLY children born of women with legal immigration status at the time of birth be granted U.S. citizenship at birth. That would eliminate the 300,000 illegals (of 3 million U.S. births annually, a full 10% of all births in the U.S.) of "anchor babies" that siphon tens of billions in welfare benefits annually, and that unwarrantedly create a path toward citizenship for their parents and extended family. Cut them off, get them out, good riddance.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.