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#1225059 2018-02-09 12:57 AM
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'The Best People'
As a candidate, President Donald Trump promised to "hire the best people" for his administration. The best people. Like so much of what Trump says, real-life experience has proven this comically untrue.

And yet the tale of departing White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter adds a dark tone to Trump's "best people" bumbling, while reminding us again that his broader staffing problem remains.

Porter has resigned his humble-sounding but really very powerful administration post after abuse allegations surfaced from his two ex-wives; or more precisely, after photographic evidence of said abuse was made public:

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That's very funny, because last night watching Lou Dobbs (David Asman filling in for him) one of the panelists said that he was amazed in the wake of Porter's resignation, that Trump "has the most remarkably competent core left of economic and military advisors of any administration in my lifetime." And Asman readily agreed.

You have a Secretary of State who ran Exxon/Mobil, which last time I looked was the largest corporation on earth in profit, to the point that its profits exceeded numbers 2,3,4,5, and 6 combined. Who has managed world-spanning budgets that exceed the annual GNP of many countries.

Trump's chief of staff is a general who was in command and had a plan to win in Iraq and Syria, but Barack Obama fired him. Now we are seeing that general's plan implemented, and in barely a year has wiped out out 97% (!!!!) of ISIS strongholds.

Similarly economically, Trump has overseen the largest stock market gain of our lifetimes. And even a few days of very large corrections have not come close to eliminating the gains.

Looking back at the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations, I saw a number of similar exposures, scandals, and forced resignations. In Obama's case, an unprecedented number of unvetted corrupt incompetents that were, when exposed, unable to take the cabinet positions they were appointed to. Including a Treasury secretary who had not paid his taxes!

So... spare me the diatribes about how Trump's people aren't the best.

And as I recall, even Porter's ex wife didn't feel his past offense rose to the level he should lose his office.

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I have a few other appointed corrupt incompetents I'd like to add to the list: Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Sidney Blumenthal, Christopher Steele, James Clapper, Jeannie Rhee, and ultimately Hillary Clinton!

The worst rat's nest of self-serving America-destroying power-abusing enemies of the state to be appointed to high office since Watergate.

And when all is laid on the table in the coming months, probably EVER !

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So no actual judgement for the guy who has 2 exwives plus a third woman alleging some very detailed and disturbing abuse, outrage is only for the other side. Not shocked to be honest. Nor is it surprising to see Trump praise a wife beater and wish him well in his future endeavors. Sad and sickening but that's where we're at these days. There really are no shades of grey here. The guy did some pretty evil things to his wives and the WH kept him and even tried riding it out till the photo of a black eye. According to his exwives he didn't usually leave a mark when assaulting them. Just so gross and disgusting.

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And Trump's latest tweet that tries to make the wife beater the victim is just more shit from a piece of shit.

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I think it's a fact that some of the women who have destroyed men in the last year are not telling the truth, and have other motivations than what they front.

In this case of Rob Porter, there are police reports and photos of one of his wives with visible bruising.

Okay, so he's a jerk (or at least is a guy who made some bad decisions in the past) and when the White House chief of staff got the news and reviewed it, Porter was forced to leave in a few hours. And now Democrats try to make it so that ALL in the White House are guilty of something because Porter slipped through the cracks. HE WAS FIRED! What more do you want?
The call for chief of staff Kelly to resign is absurd. Porter was hired by Reince Prebius, he was already in place when Kelly became chief of staff. There is some controversy over why the FBI slow-walked Porter's background check. And there is only one reason Democrats want Kelly leveraged out: He is a very effective chief of staff, who has overseen a rise in Trump's popularity and legislative success as president, and commensurate rise in the polls.

I'll take the Democrats seriously when they completely abandon sexual harasser/assaulter/rapist Bill Clinton, and his enabling wife Hillary, who led the charge to publicly destroy his victim accusers. Women SHE KNEW to be telling the truth. But destroyed them anyway, for no other reason than to advance her political ambitions at their expense.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Actually it's not clear who knew what and when. The White House needs to answer some questions and clarify. Also Trump's tweets that make Porter the victim really shows what he thinks and it's disgusting. But of course the piece of shit's sympathies would be for the wife beater. This to me makes it really hard to understand some on the other side. We're not really talking about a high moral bar here. Hitting, choking and dragging women out of showers against their will is wrong, right? Isn't Trump's tweets bother you on moral grounds?

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So are we glad this is getting investigated? Is there an argument that it shouldn't be?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually it's not clear who knew what and when. The White House needs to answer some questions and clarify. Also Trump's tweets that make Porter the victim really shows what he thinks and it's disgusting. But of course the piece of shit's sympathies would be for the wife beater. This to me makes it really hard to understand some on the other side. We're not really talking about a high moral bar here. Hitting, choking and dragging women out of showers against their will is wrong, right? Isn't Trump's tweets bother you on moral grounds?

Actually, President Trump's twitter messages basically said we like the guy and are sorry this happened and we wish him well in his future endeavors. They didn't "make Porter the victim".

I did feel it was a mistake for Trump to express sympathy for Porter losing his job, but not offer sympathy to the ex-wives and girlfriends Porter abused. But he could easily correct that in a follow-up statement.

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From Rob Porter's Wikipedia listing I linked in an above post:


Both of Porter's ex-wives accused him of physical and emotional abuse.[14] He denied the allegations and resigned from his staff secretary post after they became public.[23] Willoughby sought and received a three-day emergency protective order against him in June 2010.[24] In February 2018, she told the Daily Mail, "I don't want to be married to him. I would not recommend anyone to date him or marry him. But I definitely want him in the White House and the position he is in. I think his integrity and ability to do his job is impeccable."[25]

If Porter's abused ex wife thought Porter was very competent and shouldn't lose his White House job over abuse, then I don't think Trump did anything wrong in simply saying he was a good employee and regretted circumstances forced him to leave.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So are we glad this is getting investigated? Is there an argument that it shouldn't be?

I ALWAYS support investigation, and following the facts impartially, wherever they lead. My only reservation is the Democrat one-sidedness that holds Republicans to a high standard while wanting to sweep any allegations about Democrats under a rug.

Democrats who vilify Republicans for the slightest whiff of an allegation, while giving a total free pass to the PROVEN allegations against Democrat officials.
The contrast between media coverage of the simultaneous Herman Cain and Anthony Weiner scandals being a prime example. Where, as detailed by Media Research Center, there was never any evidence about the Herman Cain allegations, and all allegations against Weiner were absolutely proven with photo and text messages. But there were twice as many stories written about the Herman Cain allegations. And the media WOULD NOT EVEN REPORT the Weiner allegations until there was evidence, but conversely had an eagerness to report every half-baked rumor about Cain.


Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton (who built her career by publicly destroying the women Bill Clinton abused, to ruthlessly advance her own career)
Rep Gerry Studds.
Ted Kennedy

To name just a few.

Still waiting for Democrats to hold these political leaders to the same standard.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually it's not clear who knew what and when. The White House needs to answer some questions and clarify. Also Trump's tweets that make Porter the victim really shows what he thinks and it's disgusting. But of course the piece of shit's sympathies would be for the wife beater. This to me makes it really hard to understand some on the other side. We're not really talking about a high moral bar here. Hitting, choking and dragging women out of showers against their will is wrong, right? Isn't Trump's tweets bother you on moral grounds?

Actually, President Trump's twitter messages basically said we like the guy and are sorry this happened and we wish him well in his future endeavors. They didn't "make Porter the victim".

I did feel it was a mistake for Trump to express sympathy for Porter losing his job, but not offer sympathy to the ex-wives and girlfriends Porter abused. But he could easily correct that in a follow-up statement.

Given the amount of credible evidence from multiple women I think it was not the right thing to do but not surprising at this point from Trump.

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You're such a partisan, M E M.
If Trump reacted by funding a new women's shelter, you wouldn't even give him credit for that.
Trump fired the abuser, bottom line. Hillary in the same situation kept an abuser on her campaign staff. Where are your calls for justice and compassion there?

You never admit Bill Clinton's largely legally documented abuses, or bemoan his lack of sympathy for those women.
And you never express any sympathy for the women whose bodies Hillary Clinton trampled on and destroyed, to ruthlessly advance her own career at their expense.
Yours is a very one-sided compassion.

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You don't have to be a partisan to actually have a problem with Trump's response. I think that's why Trump is having a harder time with this scandal.

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I don't see it as different this time.
In every action, Democrats vitriolically oppose whatever Trump says or does.

And likewise, the same RINOs in the GOP, who have been condemning Trump since he announced his candidacy. They never miss an opportunity to get in their digs. It's not a new situation that causes unique (and selective) outrage. It's the same Trump-bashers over and over, using whatever manufactured opportunity is available to take another hit at him.

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Everybody is wrong except for the Trump fans basically. Before that you posted about being fine with an investigation except for the one sidedness of democrats. Might want to tone down your own partisanship there.

As I said before wife beaters don't get a lot of sympathy from either side. Maybe if it had been just one making accusations Trump's well wishing for the wife beater would be more defendable. That wasn't the case though. Furthermore was he terminated or did he resign? The WH kept changing its story. (Lying) This also exposed a problem with how the WH is handling classified material.

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