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With all due respect, M E M, I've never seen you so full of hot excrement in your efforts to call the president a "piece of shit".

Whether you choose in your liberal-partisan delusion to acknowledge it or not, Trump's campaign did have substance. He campaigned to rebuild the U.S. economically, rebuild it militarily, to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration, to rebuild our industrial base and reverse the export of jobs. And summed up in a catch-phrase, to "make America great again".

As opposed to Hillary Rodent Clinton, whose only message was "Ooooh, Donald Trump is scary, you have to vote for me and stop him!" She barely campaigned relative to Trump, Trump was out there making 6 or 8 rallies across cities nationwide PER DAY. Frau Hitlery did maybe two a day, and many days did none. EVEN DEMOCRATS LEADERS (David Axelrod, just today!) have said that Hillary's message was devoid of a resonant message, and polls show that Trump would now win with 53% >>>>AND<<<< win the popular vote as well. 96% of Trump voters say they would vote for him again, and I am most definitely one of them.

Just a few posts above I mentioned Trump's inauguration ceremony and speech:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The ceremony was beautiful to watch, particularly the Missouri State University chorus, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. And Donald Trump's inauguration speech (a relatively brief 15 minutes).

I showed what I could find on YouTube. The best I saw on television was narrated by Neil Cavuto on Fox Business News.

The liberal media --of course!!-- called Trump's speech "dark" and made absurd comparisons to antisemitic racism of the 1930's, and to Adolf Hitler.
Gee, I missed the part when Hitler said "whether white or black or brown we all bleed red, and share the same hopes and dreams." Trump talked about rebuilding America and creating a shining example for the world, and in the process re-uniting as a nation and finding faith in each other.

Yeah. Dark stuff.

I briefly flipped over to CNN repeatedly, and saw David Gergen, Wolf Blitzer and others obsessing over bean-counts of how many minorities Trump has selected for his cabinet.
And when Don Lemon was on later with Gloria Borger and several other cackling liberal harpies, they giggled about what awful dancers Trump and several of his cabinet were at a ball dancing with male and female Marines. They also grudgingly said Melania Trump looked elegant, but quickly followed up that in expensive fashions looked out of touch with average Americans.

Screw them.
One thing I like about Milania Trump is that while she speaks English with a heavy accent, she speaks four other languages. I like that she is a first-generation immigrant to the U.S., and is already First Lady, and before she ever married Trump, had achieved enormous success in her own right. She is the embodiment of the American Dream, and of how welcoming our nation is to new immigrants. In that alone, she is an inspiring first lady.
I haven't heard that mentioned anywhere.

Likewise the rest of the Trumps. They are on a par with the Kennedys or the Reagans in appearance. And beyond that, whatever they began with, they are hard workers and remarkably accomplished and generous people, who have achieved way beyond what they were given. They are one better than the Kennedys, because they have not only earned it, but seem to appreciate people in a down-to-earth way.
While possibly touched on, I haven't heard that particularly spotlighted either.

Only a RAW and MediaMatters zealot like yourself could see that as negative, hateful and failing to rally unity.

You and the 93% Obama-voting Washington-based media.

The rest of the American public sees your vitriolic bias and Trump derangement syndrome.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Most republicans have stayed loyal but that is hardly the rest of the country. They'll jump ship too as things start to go to hell. The piece of shit has his daily craziness. Yesterday it was calling for a government shutdown.

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Trump didn't call for a government shutdown. If you quoted Trump in context, it is the Democrats who want a shutdown, because they know the [liberal] media will blame Republicans no matter what. Trump basically said that if it takes a shutdown to clean up government, then bring it on.

But Sen. McConnell took the possibility of a shutdown off the table from the outset, so the point is really moot. Whatever Trump's bravado remarks, it will never happen because of the establishment Republicans.
I personally don't want a shutdown, but I still want it to be a viable possibility, for negotiation purposes with the spiteful obstructionist Democrats. Taking it off the table as even possible just hands a win to the corrupt Dems.

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A few days ago, the Georgia 6th district special election, where Democrats were supposed to have a "wave"/"bellweather" election that would show the tide was turning for Democrats and away from Trump. The election that was supposed to be the point where Trump's political capital was gone and the Republican party would turn on him and reject his agenda.
( Aided by the fact that huge money went into this election from OUTSIDE of the Georgia district, mostly millions from Hollywood elites in California, to the tune of 30 million dollars, the most that has ever been given to ANY Congressional campaign in history. Far outspending the Republican candidate, Rep Karen Handel.)

Despite everything the Democrats poured into this one House district, despite every poll showing Handel would lose (gosh that sounds familiar!) despite her vastly being outspent, despite the media clearly being on the Democrat side... she won.

Hannity in his June 21st program did a beautiful job of summing it up. I especially like President Trump's Iowa victory speech where he specifically listed CNN as one of the fake news networks, and then goes "Oop! the light on the CNN camera went off. They're not covering us live anymore, I can't imagine why!"

Just as Trump was overwhelmingly projected in polls to be the election loser in 2016, just as Trump was conspired against by the media, just as Trump was vastly out-spent, and despite all this still won, so it happened now 7 months later with Rep. Karen Handel in her Georgia election.
Which despite the liberal media's desire otherwise, shows a further mandate for Trump, rather than (their clear wish) that this election had been a Democrat victory and a mandate against him.
And it also manifests that one-sided coverage, one-sided funding, one-sided polling are still a gigantic problem. It manifests that Democrats, polls, and the complicit media STILL can no longer be believed.
And Trump won. Again.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Trump's rally in Youngstown, Ohio last night, with an emphasis on his accomplishments barely 6 months in office, and in particular his commitment to secure our borders, stop illegal immigration and end sanctuary cities.

I agree that he is arguably the president who has achieved more in his first 6 months than any other president.

And that is with many of his appointees still waiting to be confirmed. At this point Obama had over 90% of his staff confirmed and in place. Despite being 1/8th of the way through his term, the obstruction of Trump's presidency by Democrats every step of the way continues.

I'll say it again: It's not "racism" or bigotry to oppose illegal immigration. This country admits 1.1 million legal green-card immigrants a year, more than pretty much the other nations of the world combined. We have a generous LEGAL immigration policy, admitting people from nations worldwide. But we have a right to control who comes in our country and enforce our laws to protect the nation.
And if you want to see what happens in nations that don't have common-sense immigration policy, just look what is happening in Sweden, Germany, France and the rest of Europe right now.

Actually, you see quite a bit of it in the U.S. with crime, drugs, gangs, and Islamic attacks. But as has been cited widely, illegals crossings are down roughly 70% now.

Trump said that Mexican officials told him there are less illegal crossings into Mexico from central America. Because they know they won't make it across the Northern border into the U.S., so they've stopped coming into Mexico as well! With or without an actual wall, it's amazing what just a little bit of enforcement can do to deter bad actors.

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With a graph charting his daily support ratio from inauguration day to present.

A snapshot of what the current issues are affecting his (and the GOP House and Senate control, and the Democrats' support):

Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 40% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 24% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 49% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -25. (see trends).

Fifty-five percent (55%) of Likely GOP Voters now view Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unfavorably following his failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare that earned him a public rebuke from the president.

But maybe Republicans in Congress who won’t work with the president are on to something. Voters, for now at least, say they’re more likely to reward the anti-Trumpers.

However, most Republicans continue to believe that GOP members of Congress have lost touch with their party's voters from throughout the nation. Democrats are also more critical of their party representatives.

Most voters in general think Congress doesn’t listen to them and [that Congress] is more interested in making the media happy.

Two-out-of-three voters (66%) still say that when people move to America from other parts of the world, they should adopt America’s culture, language and heritage.

While Trump's cumulative popularity since January has declined, it still isn't that far off numbers during Obama's tenure as president, which mostly fluctuated around 50%, fluctuating 10% above or below, often in the mid to low 40's.

The major difference being the media protected and pumped Obama up, while conversely under Trump, despise him and often post distortedly negative or demonstrably false stories about Trump to tear his popular support down.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 8-12-2017

Complete List of President Trump’s Major Accomplishments in His First Six Months



In President Trump’s first six months since the election and since his inauguration the US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.

* The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen 18% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – yesterday on July 19th the DOW closed at 21,641 for another all time stock market closing high).

* Since the election the DOW has set a new all time closing high one out of every four days the market is open!
* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW is up 9%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000 point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have both set new all-time highs during this period.
* The US Stock Market gained $4 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected!
* The S&P 500 also broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.


As of today, the US Debt has decreased under President Trump since his inauguration by (-$103) Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months more than $974 Billion or nearly $1 Trillion.) The difference between Presidents Trump and Obama is more than $1 Trillion.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President Trump added a projected 1,027,000 jobs in his first six months (January through June 2017.) President Obama on the other hand lost more than 3,826,000 million jobs in his first six months.


Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate since President Trump’s inauguration decreased from 4.8% to 4.4% (January through June 2017). The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8% and by June it was down to 4.4%. Unemployment under President Obama on the other hand moved in the opposite direction. In his first six months as President the US unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.5% by June of 2009.


As noted earlier this week, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the US inflation rate decreased to an eight month low in June to 1.6%. This is in part due to President Trump’s energy policies that are helping average Americans with cheaper gas and electricity.


Housing sales are red-hot in the US right now. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.

According to the US Census Bureau, there were nearly twice as many US housing sales in the past couple of months as there were under President Obama in 2009 during the same time period. (The annualized housing sales rate for May 2017 is reported at 610,000 where in 2009 this amount was only 376,000.)


One of the first things that President Trump did in office was to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in place during the Obama era. In January President Trump signed his 2 for 1 executive order mandating that for every new regulation, two regulations needed to be revoked. Even far left Politico notes that significant new federal regulations since Trump’s inauguration have slowed to an almost total halt.

Regulations cost Americans and American companies money to implement and maintain. Reducing or halting regulations allows companies to spend their money on more prudent money making areas.


The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in President Trump’s first six months which was the best number since 1983 under President Reagan.

The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates three times since President Trump was elected into office in November. The Fed increased interest rates only once in Obama’s 8 Years prior to the increase after President Trumps winning the election in November.

Illegal immigration is down almost 70% under President Trump.

NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.

After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April.

The President has signed around 150 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 19th, including:

* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP.

President Trump and his beautiful family visited leaders around the world. In his first foreign trip as President he went to Saudi Arabia and gave one of the most historic speeches in US history. The President implored the Muslim leaders of 50 countries to get rid of terrorists in their countries and “drive them out“. No world leader had ever done this!

As a result, the President sided with the leaders of these countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against terrorism, ISIS and Iran.

In addition to all this, the President has met with many foreign leaders from across the globe on numerous trips and he invited others to his place in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, including Xi from China, Abe from Japan, etc.

The President also pointed out numerous times that the MSM (Main Stream Media) reports only on a made up Russia conspiracy story and ignores these accomplishments. These actions are making the majority of Americans aware of the tremendous bias and falsehoods emanating from the media in the US and abroad. This too is another major Trump accomplishment.

And let’s not forget that the President unloaded on CNN with arguably the greatest tweet by any man ever in early July –


President Trump is doing all he can for the American people and as a result the economy is on fire with the stock market reaching new all time highs once every four days! In nearly every economic category the US economy is improving under President Trump. In addition, President Trump has implemented numerous executive actions that he promised he would do when running for office. The US is in much better shape in only six months. Americans have hope again due to the real changes this President instituted from the economy to immigration.

There is still much to do but President Trump is showing that he is doing all he can to Make America Great Again.

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The budget passed in the House yesterday.
That's the penultimate step to passing tax cuts. On top of all Trump's other successes (border security, record-low unemployment, the highest economic growth since 2001, a 25% rise in the stock market...) the economy should really accelerate, and even the Trump-hating liberal media will be unable to mask his true success as president. And he hasn't even been in office a year yet.

Even as the Democrat party is imploding in corruption and scandal.

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Trump just completed an Asian tour where he made speeches in Japan, South Korea, Beijing and Vietnam outlining his changes in foreign policy,

  • resolve against North Korean aggression, calling for Chinese help in disarming N. Korea or the U.S. will unilaterally disarm them,
  • a call for Pacific nations to obey laws of their trade agreements with the U.S., where access to U.S. markets requires adherence by Asian nations to trade agreements, and elimination of trade deficits with the U.S. and (specifically China) not manipulating their currency.

Trump was well-received everywhere... except by the destroy-Trump 93% DNC-Newspeak liberal media.

Trump's speech in Tokyo, Japan, Nov 5th (on YouTube)

Trump's speech in South Korea, Nov 7th (YouTube)

Trump's speech in China, Nov 9th (YouTube)

Trump's speech in Vietnam, Nov 10th (YouTube)

In combination with his domestic achievements, Trump's standing up for U.S. interests unapologetically in his meetings with Asian leaders is resulting in a further rise in the polls with a public who likes a president standing up for U.S. actions and interests. (As opposed to Obama's apology tour and bowing to foreign kings, and Obama's utter flaccidness, withdrawing from Iraq prematurely, not enforcing his "red line" in Syria, sitting on his hands during the Russian invasion of Crimea, likewise doing nothing during Russia's further invasion of Eastern Ukraine, and weakness elsewhere in the world. )

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Thank you for your always critical level headed review of anything Trump does. It was especially touching as he sided with the old KGB over our intelligence agencies. And throwing previous administrations under the bus while visiting China was also amazing but sort of old hat. Guess it pays to not be an American who believes in basic human rights. Trump's gushing was just right don't you think?

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As for my "critical level headed review" of Trump's Asian trip, that's pretty much what was reported in the news. It's pretty much verbatim what he said. The domestic achievements he's made (now a 28% rise in the stock market since his election, an 87% reduction in illegal border crossings, the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, on and on) are likewise quantifiably true, for media willing to report them.

As for "[Trump] sided with the old KGB over our intelligence agencies", that is complete far-Left MediaMatters fantasy propaganda.
Trump's rebuilding our military and strong foreign policy is not something Putin/KGB welcomes.

It is in fact the Democrats, for DECADES and certainly Hillary and Obama, who have treasonously surrendered on every front, or when not able to make it happen, at least pushed for surrender. Hillary Clinton's illegal private e-mail server, that compromised national security and left her communications with other officials ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese EVERY DAY she was secretary of state. Hillary selling out 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russians in exchange for 140 million dollars in Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation. That's far from a complete list of her, and the Democrats' treasonous acts.
And further, where Trump has the appearance of "collusion", it is often the Democrats who deviously set up the circumstances to create the APPEARANCE of Trump collusion. As in the Trump Jr/Veselnetskaya meeting.

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I forgot to mention this earlier, but I was in Palm Beach on both Dec 31 2017, and on Jan 1, 2018.

On Dec 31, there were about 40 West Palm Beach cops, and possibly some other Secret Service and other private security as we passed Mar A Lago. There was an outside tent over part of the road through the parking lot where they would stop cars going in to inspect them first before letting them drive in.

Going by from I-95 east toward Mar A Lago on Jan 1st, I noticed a lot more police along the two-mile stretch, at least 100. There were also a lot of people standing by the road with signs. I'd say at least 300. This was about 4 PM, and coincidentally, about the time Trump was to leave and head West on Southern Blvd to depart from the West Palm Beach airport, back to the White House.

Remarkably, virtually none of the signs held were negative. Mostly they said things like "Thank you, Mr. President", "We love you.", "We support you, President Trump", "Latinos for Trump". "Jews for Trump", and one I had to stop to read, "TRUMP didn't create hate, he revealed it!"

I only saw one opposition group of about 7 people, holding a large sign that took about 5 people to hold, that just said in large letters, "RESIGN". So, over 95% positive. I've never seen such an adoring crowd for a political leader.
No mention of that on the news, of course. But I was there, I saw it.

I was previously at the Boca Raton Resort and Club when Bill Clinton was there in 2000 for a world economic conference, but didn't see him. Quite the opposite for Clinton, there were over 100 protestors, none of whom supported Clinton, and addressed his crimes and abuses with their signs.

The only president I actually met and shook hands with was Gerald Ford, at a campaign rally, in 1976. It was interesting to see Secret Service agents staking out all the rooftops before his appearance. And he was quite personable, I exchanged a few words with him. I was 13. As a kid, I was amazed he'd give me any attention.

But I was very struck by the overwhelming positive reception for Trump a few days ago, along his route to the airport.
That'll get televised coverage, oh... never.

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Trump today in Nashville, Tennessee, speech before signing farm bill.

Many points where he addresses the specific concerns of regular middle class citizens. As contrasted with Democrats who prioritize leftist groups, minorities (portrayed as victims to rally them to vote as Democrats). And illegal immigrants, that Democrats treat better than they treat taxpaying U.S. citizens or U.S. military veterans or police.

Trump is addressing their specific concerns, while Democrats have been kneecapping them for 8 years.
Gee, why do you suppose these people are voting for Trump and support him so enthusiastically?

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Yesterday marks exactly one year since Trump was inaugurated as president.


It's been a very good year!

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Trump spoke before CPAC this morning, for about an hour and 15 minutes. Toward the end, citing a long list of what he has accomplished. Would that Democrats and the liberal media would give him credit for that.

An economy growing at a faster rate than in roughly 20 years, black unemployment and women's unemployment at record lows. Rebuilding our military, trying to pass infrastructure rebuilding, and offer for DACA reform that demonstrates the Democrats' unwillingness to negotiate, securing our borders. All this, amidst incredible lawless DNC obstruction, and a witch-hunt Meuller investigation.

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I forgot to post Trump's State Of The Union address a few weeks ago:

Again, citing his achievements the liberal media refuses to acknowledge and report. And the Democrats who sat there scowling and refused to applaud when Trump acknowledged soldier heroes, citizen heroes, and others who have sacrificed for the nation and their patriotic ambitions, and who have triumphed.
The Democrats couldn't even cheer for THAT!

Regardless, it again manifests that Trump has largely fulfilled his promises, and achieved more than either of his predecessors did in 8 years each. He has brought this country back from the Democrat/establishment Republican abyss.

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I bask in Trump's victory over this hegemonic liberal media propaganda every day. It's SUCH a pleasure to listen to Trump propose new policy that (like no other president since Reagan) MAKES SENSE and is of visible benefit to the nation and its people. And how the Democrats and liberal media go absolutely wild in response, bemoan Armageddon if it is imposed, and when the exact opposite happens, somehow they still can't acknowledge that Trump was right all along.

"Build a wall, stop illegal immigration." Even without the wall (YET!) Illegal immigration is way down, by about 75%, just based on Trump's stated determination. And that is one area Jeff Sessions is doing his job right, cracking down on sanctuary cities.

"Lower taxes, cut regulation." Done, and done! We are already seeing the economic benefit. And where Trump promised to cut 2 regulations for every new one written, it is quantifiably true that Trump has cut more than 20 regulations for each new one.

U.S. leadership in the world. The initial strike by Trump in Syria. ISIS more than 97% destroyed. North Korea at least talking about negotiating peace. Trump taking on nations that benefit from free trade tariff-free with the U.S., but reciprocate with huge tariffs on U.S. goods exported to their countries. No example better than the auto industry. The liberals whine and scream coming Armageddon again, but fail to acknowledge that trade deficits sharply rose during their allegedly more sensible and diplomatic policies that pushed American factories and jobs overseas. Now they are coming back.

Lots more Trump has accomplished in just a year. But that alone should only increase Trump's support in Nov 2020.

While Democrats are still talking about "social justice", siding with Black Lives Matter shooting cops, pushing for gender-neutral bathrooms, trying to take away guns (except for the people who guard them!), trying to shut down free speech on college campuses, and defending corrupt officials like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Robert Meuller. And no one is listening. Please, by all means, keep it up, Dems!

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I love it! It never gets old.

How the media gleefully anticipated a landslide for Hillary, and how despite all their predicions of the inevitability of a Hillary victory, it turned out in fact to be a landslide for Trump.

It's amazing to watch in retrospect.

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Trump gave an energetic campaign-style speech tonight in Elkhart, Indiana for roughly an hour from about 7:30 to 8:30 PM. Talking about his excesses, including the release by North Korea of three U.S. prisoners they've held for about 3 years. Trump cited the waste of Obama and his other predecessors who gave away hundreds of billions and got no return on what they spent. And that Trump gave away nothing to secure the release of these prisoners.

Trump also cited his unprecedented numbers on his economy, jobs for blacks and Hispanics, his foreign policy and trade successes, and the success of Republicans in campaigns over the last two days that bodes well for 2018. This week, Trump also (despite 91% negative coverage by the liberal media!) has now passed the 51% threshold in presidential poll support.

Citing that by many measures, the country has NEVER had such high numbers, and certainly the best in 20 years, he announced a new slogan for November 2018 and 2020: "KEEP AMERICA GREAT" !

The Democrats always portray Trump and his supporters as motivated by "hate" and compare them to Nazis. But for "Nazis", Trump's speeches are consistently optimistic and filled with humor, and a long list of what has been achieved. He even says the media as much as they hate him, actually benefit as well from their coverage of Trump, that their ratings have never been higher!
I've never seen "hate" that was so cheerful and inclusive.
As opposed to the race- and class-splintering demagoguery and Alinsky tactics we had in Obama's Germany.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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2 of the prisoners were taken after Trump became president so as usual Spanky lied in his tweet about the prisoners. He also recently threatened to take away press credentials because he wants more positive press coverage.

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He also recently threatened to take away press credentials because he wants more positive press coverage.

Trump: Threatens to pull press credentials
MEM: We're heading towards a dictatorship!!

Obama: Spies on journalists, threatens them with arrest, withholds public records.
MEM: He's SO dreamy!

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
He also recently threatened to take away press credentials because he wants more positive press coverage.

Trump: Threatens to pull press credentials
MEM: We're heading towards a dictatorship!!

Obama: Spies on journalists, threatens them with arrest, withholds public records.
MEM: He's SO dreamy!


Funny cuz it's true!

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Meh, sad deflection. And no problem it seems with Spanky telling an obvious lie. Guess we're all getting used to that and the constant attacks on the press though. The new normal.

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I don't think we ever discussed it before, but Trump spent roughly half of what Hillary did in the 2016 election, and still beat her by a wide margin.


by Jacob Pramuk, Staff Reporter
Wed, 9 Nov 2016

Donald Trump threw out campaign spending conventions as he stormed his way to the American presidency.

The businessman racked up 278 electoral votes as of Wednesday morning, versus 228 for Clinton, with three states still not called by NBC News.

Trump did so with thin traditional campaign spending. His chaotic and often divisive campaign drew constant eyeballs, earning him billions of dollars in free media and allowing him to spend comparatively little on television ads and ground operations.

His campaign committee spent about $238.9 million through mid-October, compared with $450.6 million by Clinton's. That equals about $859,538 spent per Trump electoral vote, versus about $1.97 million spent per Clinton electoral vote.

Those numbers do not include spending from Oct. 20 to Election Day.

While Trump's campaign increased its spending on television ads in its final election push, it still used the traditional outreach tool much less than Clinton's did. As of late October, Clinton spent's campaign spent about $141.7 million on ads, compared with $58.8 million for Trump's campaign, according to NBC News.

That disparity extended to campaign payrolls. For example, Clinton's campaign had about 800 people on payroll at the end of August, versus about 130 for Trump's. Democrats often have larger ground operations than Republicans.

Still, it wasn't just Clinton who heavily outspent Trump. He shelled out much less money than other recent nominees, as well.

Through mid-October 2012, the campaigns of President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spent $630.8 million and $360.7 million, respectively.

Obama's campaign also spent about $593.9 million through mid-October 2008. Sen. John McCain's 2008 campaign actually spent less than Trump, about $216.8 million through mid-October.

If anyone recalls, I cited the NY Times after the 2008 election, that Obama outspent McCain in key battleground regions at rates of 4-to-1, and in some areas 8-to-1 or more.

Yet Trump spent far less than Hillary in 2016, and by smartly placing his resources, achieved a landslide electoral victory.

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But more people actually voted for Hillary. She didn't have Putin helper her either.

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Here's another that shows a comparative graph of spending per election, back to 1960.

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Also interesting, courtesy of FORTUNE, a list of billionaires who supported Hillary in 2016 (that also includes a link to the billionaires who supported Trump in 2016).

Interesting not only to see who their biggest backers are, but the faces of some of the richest and most politically powerful people in this country. Who through campaign finance, are the true rulers of the country, not the elected officials beholden to them.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
But more people actually voted for Hillary. She didn't have Putin helper her either.

As I said in the Voter Fraud topic today, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats used every possible dirty trick, cheated in every other conceivable way in 2016, up to and including using falsified evidence to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. What makes you so sure, with the cited history of the 6.9 MILLION illegal votes discovered by True The Vote in only 28 states, that Hillary Clinton didn't rig the popular vote as well?

I'm still of the opinion that Hillary cheated, but based on Trump's unanticipatedly high support, didn't cheat quite enough for her to win.

As I recall, Pariah expressed that same opinion. Based on considerable history of Hillary/Democrat past cheating.

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Like everything else, Trump and his supporters accuse and attack anything and everything that doesn't suit them. Not winning the popular vote while Russia was helping Trump are facts that don't suit you.

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That deflects from all the factual basis I cited, of Democrats previously submitting MILLIONS of fake voters and double-voters, as cited by True The Vote (who were suppressed and intimidated by the IRS with audits of their personal and organization records, and raids on their small business, to silence them).

As I've cited repeatedly, ALL the occasions where there was interaction between the Trump campaign officials and Russia were set up to LOOK like Trump attempts, when in fact they were set up by the Clinton Campaign/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele, or by other Deep State operatives.
Three examples:
1) The meeting with Russian attorney Veselnitskaya and Donald Trump Jr.: Veselnitskaya had no legitimate reason to even be in the United States, except for a very unusual VISA that was prepared for her by Obama's attorney general Loretta Lynch personally. Veselnitskaya called Donald Trump Jr. and offered Hillary Clinton compromising e-mails. Trump Jr. agrees to a meeting (if I recall, in Trump Tower). Trump Jr sits down with her for 20 minutes before he see she is not being honest with him, and ends the meeting, no transaction. By her own appointment book, Veselnitskaya met with Fusion GPS (Hillary Clinton's paid-for opposition research/smear merchants) both *BEFORE* *AND AFTER* the meeting with Trump Jr.! CLEARLY, a set-up, orchestrated by the Clinton campaign. All the puppet strings surrounding that meeting lead straight to then-attorney general Lynch, Fusion GPS, and right up to the Clinton campaign and DNC who directly funded the salacious "Russia Dossier".

2) Then-Senator Jeff Sessions (now Trump's attorney general) was set up by Democrats at an Obama State of the Union address for a brief handshake and photo-op with the Russian ambassador. Despite that their "meeting" and "conversation" was all of a minute or two and couldn't have extended beyond Hello, nice to meet you, how are you doing? This meeting stirred a public hissy-fit by the Democrat leadership where they demanded that Sessions recuse himself. For what, I'm still not sure.

3) Like Veselnitskaya, several FBI/DOJ spies/"confidential informats" made offers of Hillary Clinton secret/compromising e-mails to multiple Trump officials, including Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Sam Clovis, and Michael Caputo. The last two not only didn't take the bait, but immediately reported the offers to FBI/DOJ, and Senate/Congress investigators. Michael Caputo said their informing investigators of these illegal offers was met by all with complete indifference and NO INVESTIGATION, and in particular the FBI seemed to know in advance what Caputo was telling them. Because in retrospect, knowing now of the "confidential informant"/spies FBI sent among them, Michael Caputo could see these guys were bait sent by the FBI to trap them, and FBI was only interested in setting them up, not capturing the ones offering the top secret e-mails.

I keep pointing out these facts, M E M, and you keep evading them. You are citing off-the-cuff slanders and allegations with no basis in fact. I am citing facts. EVERYTHING leads to Christopher Steele/the Steele "Russia Dossier"/Fusion-GPS/the insulating Clinton-hired law firm/the Clinton Campaign. EVERYTHING.

NOTHING leads to Trump that didn't start and was orchestrated by the Clinton campaign. NOTHING.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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President Trump at a public aappearance on Friday, June 29, 2018:

One of several speeches in the last few weeks by Trump touring the country, highlighting workers and business owners who have benefitted from his tax cuts. A black lady who is now able to send her kids to college, and a chemical business owner from Somerset, PA who is out of debt, able to replace equipment, and hiring dozens of new employees.

In spite of 93% negative media coverage, Trump continues to rise in the polls. Because his policies are working. For a change, working for the American people, not for illegal immigrants, gang members, drug traffickers, and Islamic terrorists who want to slip in the country and kill us.
Democrat leaders seem confused that they are representative and Senators of the United States, and not of some foreign country.

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Victor D Hanson; Explains Perfectly how Trump pulled off the biggest Upset in Presidential History

"When a young charismatic Obama moved the Democrat party to the far left and still had a base that supported him, that was not transferrable in 2016 to an older white woman with a shrill witch-like voice like Hillary. Wasn't gonna happen."


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At 33:00 into the video, Hanson talks about his astonishment that even after the incredible betrayal by Brazile and Wasserman Schultz within the DNC to rig the nomination, Bernie Sanders still remained in lockstep and supported Hillary in the election. That to Democrats, they would never even think of forming a "never Hillary" movement on the Left, that they will support any criminal/ethical lapse that advances their cause of "the little guy".

"They like humanity, they just hate 'human'."

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Courtesy of FORBES magazine, this was an interesting contrast between Romney 2012 and Trump 2016:

Trump did better in 38 states over Romney, including winning many Democrat strongholds in the Mid-Atlantic coast and the Rust Belt that were considered unwinnable. 2012 is widely considered a presidential campaign that Romney should have won, but for a poorly managed campaign, that allowed Obama to be more than a one-term president.

All of which hammers home the point that Romney (who actually benefitted from Trump endorsement in Nov 2018, to win his Senate seat) is absolutely the last person who could credibly bash Trump. And yet he does. What an ingrate.

Romney and McCain are both 100% proof to me that there is absolutely no negotiation possible with the Democrat/Left. That no matter how moderate and milquetoast, any Republican will be bashed as "extreme", "right wing", "white supremacist", "scary", "dangerous", "Nazi/Hitler" and so forth. Except in the case where they attack their fellow Republicans. But Dems and the media will again label them "extreme/right-wing" the moment they step out of line and behave like Republicans again.

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Tucker Carlson yesterday (on his first day back after about 2 weeks of vacation) did a beautiful job of deconstructing Mitt Romney's attack on Trump, and its being a manifestation of the larger establishment/corporate/globalist beast that infests and controls the majority of both parties. And how Trump is a threat to both parties, because he is flipping the table and uprooting the corruption the establishment elites of both parties have spent decades building.

Tucker Carlson, 1-2-2019

One of the most important commentaries he's made.

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Looking at the criticism being leveled at Romney it seems to amount to the GOP making Trump loyalty a value or moral. Trump's moral shortcomings and lies are not to be brought up because it helps democrats. So basically a moral sewer. While I disagree with many of Romney's and the late McCain policies they operated under an ethical and moral code that would befit a President. Trump doesn't.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Looking at the criticism being leveled at Romney it seems to amount to the GOP making Trump loyalty a value or moral. Trump's moral shortcomings and lies are not to be brought up because it helps democrats. So basically a moral sewer. While I disagree with many of Romney's and the late McCain policies they operated under an ethical and moral code that would befit a President. Trump doesn't.

What you say is a non-sequitur.
Romney's jabs at Trump are clearly self-serving, in an effort to position himself as an opposing alternative to Trump. He rails on Trump's "character", details not specified. This from Romney, a guy who made his $300 million fortune in a career at Bain Capital of buying companies, breaking them into parts and selling them off, and in some cases depriving decades-employed workers of their pensions. There was a time where I respected and supported Romney in 2008 and 2012 as a civil guy who appeared to put his party first and had bipartisan appeal as a moderate, despite his not being a conservative. But over and over Romney since then has demonstrated his character and loyalty are in question.

If Romney were taking a consistent moral stand against Trump the last 3 years, he should not have accepted Trump's political support to get elected. And since Romney did accept Trump's support,
as one reporter phrased it interviewing him, Romney's attack on Trump now is "a shiv in the back".

Romney previously stabbed Trump in the back during the 2016 campaign, after Trump was the Republican nominee. During the primary inter-party criticism is fair play, but during the general campaign, Romney was sabotaging his own party.
Then after elected, Trump generously tried to make peace with Romney, Trump invited him to the White House in early 2017, and potentially even offered him a cabinet position. Romney visited the White House and made friendly, but then later attacked Trump again.
Then Trump (presumably at invitation) campaigned for Romney in 2018. And now post-election, before Romney has even begun his term as Utah Senator, Romney has already backstabbed Trump again.

And I'm still waiting for proof of Trump's alleged "moral shortcomings". Much has been alleged, nothing has been proven.
The sexual allegations against Trump are a joke as I've detailed before, especially relative to the transgressions of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, JFK, and LBJ, among others, that you and your party turn a blind eye to.
Regarding the alleged "collusion" with Russia, everything that is alleged about Trump, is proven to have occurred in the Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaign, including corruption in the DOJ and FBI that have sabotaged her prosecution.

Beyond irrational hatred of Trump (and hypocrisy regarding the same PROVEN charges against your own in the Democrat Central Committee), what do you really have, beyond Democrat corruption, Democrat abuse of power, and Democrat weaponization of government against your party's political enemies?

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Trump's approval numbers are roughly the same or better as Obama at the same point in his presidency.

The difference is, Obama's numbers were with an adoring press flying cover for Obama and pumping him up every step of the way, inflating his popularity by as much as 10 points.
As opposed to the 92% negatie coverage of Trump, where the media clearly hates and partisanly undermines Trump, and often gets the story wrong in over-reach after over-reach in their attempts to tear him down. They probably over-sample Democrats to bring his numbers even lower. And despite that, as recently as February Trump had approval numbers of over 50%.

Another aspect I notice is that Trump on any given day is usually 1 to 5 points above where Obama was at the same point in his presidency. And again, that's with an unprecedentedly hostile liberal media doing their damnedest to tear Trump down every day.

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Looking at this map of Trump's 2016 election as broken down by county... gives me hope that huge swaths of even states like New York, Maine, Virginia, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and California are more red than one would initially think.

And that with Trump's impressive economic successes, benefitting blacks, hispanics, women, that he will win by an even larger margin, as his policies have benefitted even those voters in demographics that did not support him in 2016.

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