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#1225508 2018-04-17 11:35 PM
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I actually gained a new respect for her after reading Al Franken's book Limbaugh is a big fat idiot. He to,d a story where they were on a flight together and they exchanged some conversation. He brought up her son Neil and she gave I thought a good response. She replied she was proud of all her boys. And that she was done with him. Franken meant it as some type of slam on her but I saw a mom being a mom.

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I hope she didn't fall asleep next to Franken on that flight.

But, seriously, yeah. She was what a mom and partner should be, to a president or anyone: a decent person who loved her family.

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I guess she's best known for her literacy program, that expanded into all 50 states.

It's been pointed out a few times that First Ladies often poll as more popular than the presidents they are coupled with. Obviously because what they advocate is a lot less controversial.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I hope she didn't fall asleep next to Franken on that flight.


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If it had been Trump he would have called her a liar and knocked her on her looks. Just some perspective for the GOP peanut gallery:)

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Among many others that could be listed.

And in Clinton's case, he wouldn't call them a liar, because wife Hillary did that for him, leading the charge to slander and destroy Clinton's accusers, women Hillary knew to be telling the truth. But destroyed them anyway, just to advance her own political ambitions.

And again, while there are allegations against Trump, they are not proven. The allegations against Bill Clinton and Al Franken are proven.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I would point out that Clinton was only proven to have had a consensual affair. You've made it clear that a women's allegation depends on party. I do admit that Spanky probably would have passed on Barbara as he goes for the ones that reminds him of his daughter.

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No, YOU'VE made it clear that whether a woman is to be believed is about party affiliation. You absolutely won't admit that Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual assault (proven with Paula Jones, that's why Clinton paid an $850,000 settlement he knew he couldn't win). And also proven with Monica Lewinsky, that Clinton lied and lied that there was no affair until she produced the semen-stained dress and he could no longer deny it.

That makes other women like Juanita Broaddrick (a Democrat fundraiser, clearly loyal to the Democrat party, why would she possibly make up that Clinton attacked her), and Kathleen Willie and all the others. The fact that Clinton boldly lied up to the point he was beaten down with evidence, puts the lie to his denying these other women were assaulted by him.

Also, the liberal media ignores Clinton's accusers. Hannity in one of his programs went through the stats of how much airtime the networks gave in news coverage or interviews of the women accusing Clinton. Most networks it was zero. One or two gave a minute or two. As compared to Stormy Daniels where it's a portion of every hour, ongoing for weeks and weeks.

In the case of Trump, I already went through the list of his "19 accusers". To date, there is no evidence, NONE, that he sexually harassed, groped or came on to any of these women. And among the mostly silly 19 accusers, bending in for a kiss at a party is not sexual assault. It might be creepy (if it happened), but it's not a crime. "He looked at us like we were meat" in the Miss USA dressing room isn't a crime.
And as I said, it's a joke to include Ivanna Trump on the list, when she not only retracted her accusations (made during a bitter divorce, to humiliate Trump), but they are friends, and she even wrote an introduction to one of Donald Trump's books. She has said repeatedly that she felt rejected and betrayed, that she "felt raped, emotionally," not that she was actually raped. It is dishonest to include that in the "19 accusers" as if she was still accusing him 30 years after it was disproven and corrected.

And while you and the liberal media act like the "19 accusers" are equal or worse than Bill Clinton's RAPE, and SEXUAL ASSAULT allegations and PROVEN crimes, they are not.

Clinton's very serious assaults are proven.
Trump's manufactured smears are not.

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You would have just called them liars using other rationalizations. I wouldn't go that far but you are incorrect to say they are proven. Unlike Spanky, Clinton didn't need to have everybody including exwives sign non disclosure forms or threaten any woman that made accusations with lawsuits with his thug fixer Cohen. I suspect there will be more women coming forward after Cohen goes down btw.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You would have just called them liars using other rationalizations. I wouldn't go that far but you are incorrect to say they are proven. Unlike Spanky, Clinton didn't need to have everybody including exwives sign non disclosure forms or threaten any woman that made accusations with lawsuits with his thug fixer Cohen. I suspect there will be more women coming forward after Cohen goes down btw.

They ARE proven, in the cases of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. There is absolutely no denying that.

As Kathleen Willie and Juanita Broaddrick can attest, the Clintons have their fixers, and way beyond the law. In the Roger Stone youtube video I posted yesterday to the JFK assassination topic, Stone says the guy who threatened Kathleen Willie and killed her cat to intimidate her said he doesn't regret his actions, he only wishes he charged Hillary more for silencing a threat to the Clintons. As I linked previously, there is a long list of journalists and witnesses who died mysteriously right before they went public about their knowledge of the Clintons.

And by the way, you've gone way the fuck off the deep end with your uncivility and insults toward President Trump. He is still the president, and a very accomplished president. And absolutely nothing Trump has been accused of has turned out to be true.

When I insult the Clintons or the Obamas, it is based on their actions, their proven radical histories, and their undisputed lawless power grabs. As contrasted with Trump, who has rolled back authoritarianism, cut state regulations, and arguably restored Constitutional freedoms.

And you are speculating what I think without evidence. I'm proud that Republicans have the integrity to pressure those within their ranks who have done wrong to resign. In the case of Mark Foley, I said right off he should resign (while simultaneously pointing out how many Democrats who had done even worse were not given the same pressure.)
I'm proud that rather than just clinging to power (as Democrats did with Clinton's impeachment in 1998) Republicans in 1974 sided with Democrats and called for impeachment of Nixon. They went against party politics to do what was right. I frankly can't imagine the Democrats in the last 15 years doing the same. Quite the opposite, Democrats on multiple fronts openly promote lawlessness and corruption to advance their goals and score political wins.
Election fraud.
Labelling any attempt at voter identification, as "racist", to keep illegal Democrat votes from being weeded out.
Promoting Illegal immigration and amnesty to get more Democrat voters.
Sanctuary cities.
Obstructing border security.
Violence against conservatives to silence free speech, in bookstores, on college campuses, and in places like Charlottesville (and I'm not defending Klansmen, I'm defending the majority there who were civil protestors for preserving confederate monuments as a preservation of actual history.)
Constantly using tactics of smear and intimidation to silence and marginalize their conservative opposition. The smears against Roy Moore that allowed their candidate to narrowly win is another example. It cost Moore just enough support to lose, and it's yet another example of how vile and low your party is. Not just on occasion, but as a standard Alinsky/Leninist practice.

You're the party of Clinton corruption, Obama corruption, of operators like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Donna Brazile, of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the party of George Soros and his Shadow Party, the party of abortion, assisted suicide, open borders, disarming our military, of shaming America as a racist place to splinter it along race and class lines (to advance Democrat party interests while destroying the nation), and ultimately, hating America.
And on every one of those fronts, undermining law to advance Democrat power.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Spanky gets all the respect he deserves from me. The deep end is being one of his supporters where all the women are liars joined by Dems, the media, FBI and any republicans not drinking the koolaid are part of the conspiracy.

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I'd say you give him a lot less respect than he deserves.

You convict Trump without evidence, and leap on the slightest whiff of an allegation. As I've cited repeatedly the list of "19 accusers" is a joke that strains to make allegations that aren't even crimes. As opposed to Clinton's assaults, perjury, obstruction of justice, disbarment, $850,000 settlement with Paula Jones and other crimes.

In barely a year, Trump has secured our borders, enacted massive deregulation that has stimulated economic growth, created the lowest unemployment and highest growth in roughly 20 years, and in many measures, EVER.
Trump is rebuilding our military, re-establishing U.S. world leadership, restoring U.S. sovereignty and energy independence, and moving toward nuclear disarming North Korea.
I heard commentary today that if Trump can negotiate that, him and Kim Jong Un could share a U.N. peace prize. And Unlike Obama where he was awarded a U.N. peace prize on his inauguration basically for being black and getting elected, Trump will actually have earned it.

I think maybe that's a bit more newsworthy than whether Trump (maybe) had a one-night liason with pornstar Stormy Daniels back in 2006. Wow. Shocking. Rich men like hot women and are willing to directly or indirectly spend a lot of money on them for sex.
Also shocking: women like money and trade it for sex, and in many cases try to extort money out of rich men, whether the men did anything wrong or not. O'Reilly a year ago on his program said if you're rich, you need a lawyer, because people are going to sue you.

I first saw this when Reagan was president. That his cabinet members were constantly under legal assault with all kinds of manufactured charges.
And it's not just rich men. Sarah Palin was under similar legal harassment her whole time as governor. When she resigned, the lawsuits were dropped. Although the resignation made it difficult for her to aspire toward higher office. Perhaps that was precisely the point in levelling the charges and pushing her to resign.

I'll say it again: You diminish only yourself, M E M, with all the namecalling and vitriolic hatred you heap on Trump. It is overly personal, and manifests a complete lack of objectivity.

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Holy fuck. A former First Lady died and neither one of you can resist turning this thread into yet another insipid slapfight over Donald Trump. You know who just loves that? Donald Trump. I think if you pointed scientific instruments at the guy you could watch him lose mass and energy in realtime every second someone isn't talking or thinking about him. So well done, kudos all around.



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For what it's worth Cap, I will say a shame on me for my posts on this thread.

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Thank you. I'm not saying don't fight with Wondy. Time and a place, that's all.


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Holy fuck. A former First Lady died and neither one of you can resist turning this thread into yet another insipid slapfight over Donald Trump. You know who just loves that? Donald Trump. I think if you pointed scientific instruments at the guy you could watch him lose mass and energy in realtime every second someone isn't talking or thinking about him. So well done, kudos all around.


I've never used the term "Killary". And I've been citing facts and sources, not anything that can be dismissed as wild tin-foil-hat conspiracy.

And I'm not the one who started the topic diversion by trollishly insulting President Trump. The conspiracy and obstruction of justice by operatives in the DOJ and FBI, in vindictive prosecution of Trump officials, and a corrupt destruction of the case against Hillary Clinton, are daily cited in the news.

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On the last part of that Wikipedia listing, I was amazed how many honorary degrees have been given to Barbara Bush.
28 universities.
Plus an honorary Phi Beta Kappa from University of Houston!

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A very interesting photo of all the First Ladies together.
Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, and Rosalynn Carter.
I read somewhere in 2016 that Hillary Clinton is 5 feet 2 inches. To guage the height of the others.

Photo taken in 2013.

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Another photo of the collective First Ladies from 1994.

Form left to right:
Nancy Reagan, Ladybird Johnson, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Betty Ford, and Barbara Bush.

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