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House Democrats vote 'present' on resolution supporting ICE

Most House Democrats voted “present” Tuesday on a resolution aimed at forcing them to clarify whether they support U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, after some Democrats have criticized the agency's role in enforcing U.S. immigration laws.

The House passed a nonbinding resolution saying lawmakers support the "officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement." A two-thirds majority was needed to pass it, and because Democrats voted "present" instead of "no," it passed easily in a 244-35 vote.

The final vote saw just 18 Democrats vote for the resolution, and 34 Democrats vote against it. But the vast majority of Democrats, 133, voted "present."

A vote on the resolution came after Republican leaders decided to abandon a plan to force Democrats to vote on a bill authored by one of their own lawmakers that would terminate ICE within a year and farm out some ICE functions to other agencies.

Some Republicans objected to taking up the Democrats’ bill because, they argued, it would give Democrats in tough swing states a chance to vote against abolishing ICE, a politically questionable position that is now associated with the party.

A recent poll showed very few people support abolishing ICE, which carries out all interior immigration enforcement and also combats associated gang violence, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.

But some Democrats have accused ICE of separating immigration families at the border. The trio of Democrats who sponsored the Abolish ICE bill last week announced they would vote against it if House GOP leaders bring it to the floor for a vote, and on Wednesday, they accused the GOP of playing politics.

Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., said GOP resolution “shows an important contrast,” between the two parties ahead of the midterm elections.

“We stand up for our ICE agents and the people that are keeping America safe,” Scalise said. “They want to get rid of them. It's a radical idea they have, and this resolution's really important.”

The incredible irony. Democrats wouldn't even vote on their own proposal to eliminate ICE.

And then, even the more softened version to support ICE, the overwhelming majority of Democrats noncommittally voted "present" rather than for or against. Which is obviously cowardice. And I'm sure it's even cowardice in the eyes of those Dems are trying to appease. 133 Democrats voting present !

Democrats are the party of chaos. Their rhetoric and their policies aare about demagoguery and anarchy, and they're dishonest about what they even advocate or believe. If it's bad for America, that's the side they're on.

And maybe it wasn't always that way, but that's what they are now. The party of Saul Alinsky tactics of infiltration and demagoguery. The party of fronting moderate policy to get elected, and then once in power pushing radicalism. The party whose bedrock principle is deception. The party who defends illegal immigrants and criminals over law-abiding taxpaying U.S. citizens.

What more proof do you need?

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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More evidence of the Democrat Party's radical anti-Americanism:

Behind closed doors, wealthy liberal donors plot universal healthcare, free college, and reparations

Basically, the American public hasn';t supported Democrats, so a few decades ago they came up with this idea to import a socialist welfare-dependent third-world electorate, that will vote Democrat if they give them free stuff. And as further consolidated, to spread the cattle who vote Democrat in states nationwide to tip the balance and make them majority-democrat. That brings about short-term victory for Democrats, and long-term damage, chaos and division to the nation.
The 50 counties that are most saturated with illegal immigrants have seen the greatest decline in wages, and the greatest increase in poverty.

Keith Ellison's proposed reparations are to admit as many illegals as possible, and make payment to the Mexican government to prepare even more to enter! At the U.S. taxpaying citizens' expense.

Among other insane proposals. Democrats seem confused about the fact that they are elected by taxpaying U.S. citizens, to represent U.S. taxpaying citizens, not the citizens of foreign countries.

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More craziness from Keith Ellison, where he proposed reparations for black Americans, and even a separate black country within the U.S. for blacks:

Keith Ellison Once Proposed Making A Separate Country For Blacks

Plus other assorted bits of black nationalism, anti-Semitism, and just plain hating America. Especially white America.

While the U.S. Constitution does say that part about black slaves being counted as 3/5's of a man and returning escaped slaves, it also has provisions related to white indentured servants. There were also black slave owners who owned black slaves, and Native American slave owners. And free slaves in Northern states. So it wasn't as black-and-white as Ellison portrays.

Ellison wrote these articles when he was 26 under the fake name of "Keith Hakim" or "Keith E. Hakim", presumably so they wouldn't come back to haunt him in his later professional/political life. Oopsie! It came back to haunt him anyway.

But once again demonstrates the hidden radicalism in his more recent Democrat party politics and the further radicalism he and his party would pursue, if they can fool enough regular Americans to vote for them.

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The vote was about optics leaving neither side looking great. From the article, the GOP decided not to allow a vote on the original bill because they were afraid democrats would vote against it. Pretty lame imho

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House Republicans initially had planned to hold a vote on a bill authored by Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan to abolish ICE, but opted instead to call a vote on the Higgins resolution. They painted Democrat as outside the mainstream on the issue.

First off, the bill to abolish ICE was written by a Democrat. Period, the end.

Second, as I recall it being reported, Democrats resisted their own bill to abolish ICE. So Republicans softened it to a vote to approve of ICE. To which the Democrat cowards still voted overwhelmingly "present" instead of for or against. Because they know that even their own voter-base is repulsed by their attacking ICE and other law enforcement. So the Dems posture, but haven't got the guts to back up their nation-destroying rhetoric.

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The story you posted actually says republicans didn't want to vote on the first one though because democrats would have voted against it and your party didn't want that. When you know that it seems silly to try to generalize like your trying to do. Again this was about optics that I think leave both parties not looking really good beyond the fringes maybe.

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Despite your best distorting spin, there is NOTHING that could adequately explain why 133 Democrats would vote "present" rather than a simple yes or no on a bill to simply support ICE.

That's 133 Democrats (an overwhelming majority) who won't even vote in favor of law enforcement doing their jobs. These Democrats might as well call them "pigs" (as Bill and Hillary Clinton call police) or baby killers, or campare them to "Soviet gulags, Nazi storm troopers and the Pol Pot regime" (quoting Sen. Dick Durbin of Michigan).

Democrats, the party of lawlessness, mob rule, hating law enforcement, and hating America.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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What you call spin is in the article you posted. The GOP made a choice and the reasoning for choosing the one over the other was stated in what you posted. Maybe it pleases you to look at Dems in such a hateful twisted way but it's not an honest one.

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Democrats were cowards, to the point that they couldn't vote just "yes" or "no", and 133 voted "present". That pushes the B.S.-o-meter needle into the red of virtually every American.

The bill that wasn't voted on was the Democrats' own bill, to abolish ICE. There's absolutely no way to spin that in the Democrats' favor. Voting "present" is a lie and deception, where Democrats walked away from their own lying rhetoric.

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Well if yours was an honest assessment I would have more of an issue with my party. It's not though. The GOP passed on voting for the original bill because they didn't want democrats voting against it and having a record going into the next election. It would mess up their optics. Immigration used to be a bipartisan issue. Obama deported more people than W.

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I don't really see your point.

1) The original bill was to hold a vote to abolish ICE.

2) The second bill that went to a vote with 133 Democrats who voted "present" instead of Yes or No, was to vote in support of ICE. The overwhelming number of House Democrats voted a weaselly "present" instead of an honest yes or no.

In either case, Democrats voted against a federal law enforcement agency, and essentially voted against the United States' laws and border security, siding with illegal immigrants, against U.S. taxpaying citizens and LEGAL immigrants. And ultimately, voted for chaos.

I fail to see what is "not an honest assessment" of that. It's very straightforward.

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My point has been repeated a couple of times. This was is from what you posted...
...A vote on the resolution came after Republican leaders decided to abandon a plan to force Democrats to vote on a bill authored by one of their own lawmakers that would terminate ICE within a year and farm out some ICE functions to other agencies.

Some Republicans objected to taking up the Democrats’ bill because, they argued, it would give Democrats in tough swing states a chance to vote against abolishing ICE, a politically questionable position that is now associated with the party.

The GOP passed on using the original because it would mess up their optics. In reality Obama deported more people than W and while there are differences between the parties it's an issue that is of concern for both parties. This was about playing games.

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You're arguing abstractions, but the point of either bill is clear.

Obama deported more people in numbers because under Obama they changed the way capture of illegals was counted. If they caught them at the border and returned them before they actually gained admission, they were previously not counted. That they are now inflated the numbers "deported" under Obama.

Undeniably, Obama has not only allowed in more illegals, but set up loopholes in the system that encourage millions more to enter or at least make the attempt in recent years. It is a ploy to bring in as many illegals as possible, because if admitted and permitted to vote, they will be human cattle they can herd to the polls who will overwhelmingly vote Democrat for welfare benefits and open borders, and will give Democrats a permanent voting majority. Regardless of the fact that they clearly have no loyalty to our country, and show contempt for our laws by the very way they enter this country, ILLEGALLY. Indentity theft, drug trafficking, human slavery/prostitution, gangs and gang-related crime, and encouraging lawlessness and illegal entry over legal immigration. These are the things Democrats endorse with their immigration policy.

Not to mention the Kate Steinleys of our country, the legal U.S. citizens who are the victims of murder, rape, drunk driving, drug trafficking and gang violence perpetrated by the illegals Democrats give a free pass to. The border ranchers who are endangered by the illegals Democrats solicit entry of. The lowered wages of middle class and poor Americans due to the flood of illegals. As detailed in Pat Buchanan's book State of Emergency on the immigration crisis, the fifty U.S. counties most saturated by illegals, are the ones with the most depressed wages, the most increased rates of poverty, of welfare use, and of gang violence.
The Democrats, the party of Saul Alinsky, the party of Cloward and Piven strategy, the party of lying cultural Marxist demagogues Obama and Hillary, of Jonathan Gruber and relying on "the stupidity of the American voter" to advance their policy, welcomes this!

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I quoted from the article you provided. You choose to ignore it but it's not an abstraction. The change for recording deportations actually occurred during the Bush administration btw.

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What did I "choose to ignore"?

I said in very straightforward language what the difference was.
The first bill was a vote to dismantle ICE.
The second bill was to support ICE.
They're two sides of the same coin.
Voting "Yes" for the first bill would show/codify lack of support for ICE.
Voting "No" or "Present" (anything other than "Yes") for the second bill shows/codifies lack of support for ICE. The fact that Democrats refused to vote Yes manifests that the Democrats are deceitful liars who refuse to vote for what they truly advocate, and voting "Present" doesn't fool anyone.

Only the most partisan cultural Marxist America-hating Democrats could support such a position by the Democrats. "Present"="No" in the eyes of most Americans, and any poll on the issue will plainly show that. Even the America-hating far-Left cultural Marxists will rail on Democrats for not standing up for THEIR position, voting "Present" and not taking a political stand in support of the ICE-bashing rhetoric they've been fronting for the last few months.

It's a lie.
Just like showing images on CNN and MSNBC of kids in cages (that were taken in 2014 when Obama was president, and THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WITH IT THEN, AND NOW THEY PRETEND THAT IT HAPPENED UNDER TRUMP, NOT OBAMA, AND SUDDENLY THEY'RE OUTRAGED! )
It's a lie.

The fake outrage is a lie.
The Democrat rhetoric is a lie.
The media coverage is a lie.
And the Democrats voting "Present" on the ICE bill is a lie.

And you're trying to veil that in some weird sophistry argument that hides what the plain facts are.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.

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