Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You shovel a lot of crap about Obamacare but your side made a choice repeatedly to oppose it in every way possible instead of trying to to work with Dems to improve it. Note after so many years of trying to increase the number of uninsured by getting rid of Obamacare your side hasn't come up with a better plan to replace it with. We're coming up on 2 years of control and now we get the lies from Trump and toadies they are the party to protect people with pre-existing conditions and the Dems want to take them out. The Dems put that protection into the very law your party has a considerable historical record of voting against. And how many years does it take to come up with something better to replace it with btw? It's been almost 2 years where your party has had the power to do it. After all the lies and cries about overturning Obamacare it doesn't seem to be something the GOP is running on for this election.
As for the Bible quotes, the book has a lot more of them about adultery, lying, masturbation and not judging others to name a few. If a serial adulter like Trump can use marriage like toilet paper I certainly should be able to marry someone I actually will love and cherish. That is priceless to me. For all those that supported gay rights and made that possible even though they were not gay, to me that is America at it's greatest.

You try to hide the truth under lying DNC/MediaMatters propaganda, M E M.

Obamacare was collapsing under its own weight from the day it launched, without any Republican opposition to it.

More than that, OBAMACARE WAS DESIGNED IN ITS PLANNING TO COLLAPSE. Obama supported single payer but knew the American public would never support single payer, so they designed a system that would slowly collapse, and then when Hillary Clinton became president in Jan 2017 (didnt' quite work out that way, did it?) Hillary would bail out Obamacare with a single payer system, what Obama and the lying Democrats had planned all along.

I'll remind you of Jonathan Gruber's words, relying on "the stupidity of the American voter", for him and Obamacare's other planners. And by the American voter, they don't mean me who always opposed it, they mean YOU, M E M.

Even liberal Politifact rated Obama's assurances about being able to keep your healthcare plan, the "Lie of the Year".

It is you who is lying and "shoveling a lot of crap", M E M, not me or my side. You are at best delusional.

Your side, not mine, consistently relies on deceiving the American public to advance their agenda. And now beyond that, resorts to slander, intimidation and violence. You, the Bolshevik party, there is no difference.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.